Posted on Oct 9, 2015
Sgt Tom Cunnally
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LTC Owner
Sgt Tom Cunnally I wouldn't attribute the Holocaust to gun control, but I would say the disarming of the population certainly made it easier.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Dr Carson's point is accurate; dictators consolidate their position by ensuring that only "their people" are armed. This is precisely why the founding fathers authored the Second Amendment - to allow the citizenry the ability to defend themselves from a tyrannical government.
MAJ Damajah Arnold
MAJ Damajah Arnold
4 y
If Dr. Carson is the scholar you believe him to be, he would have cited researchable examples. Even when the Nockzees came to power they were incapable of seizing the firearms of people they didn’t want to have them. At the height of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising in Poland, Jews were still able to obtain firearms from non Jews. More importantly, during the last few weeks of the Nockzees regime, they gave weapons to anyone who could stand up.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
4 y
MAJ Damajah Arnold - You can't come up with an example of a government compelling citizens to turn in lawfully attained firearms?
New Zealand, just last year.
Try harder.
PO2 David Hawthorne
PO2 David Hawthorne
3 y
SGT Matt Yager Armed people will not freely load themselves on boxcars to concentration camps for slaughter.
PO2 David Hawthorne
PO2 David Hawthorne
3 y
MAJ Damajah Arnold what events you referring to? There are laws against harming others and criminals don’t follow them. 4700 people a day have lost their lives over the last 100 years at the hand of their own governments. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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CW3 Eric W. S.
MAJ Damajah Arnold
MAJ Damajah Arnold
4 y
Define socialism...
MAJ Damajah Arnold
MAJ Damajah Arnold
4 y
None of this is factual, but I understand why you would want to believe it. Here’s a question to ponder. Should US forces in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan seize the firearms of the local citizenry?
SFC Professional Business Owner
SFC (Join to see)
4 y
MAJ Damajah Arnold - You really can't be that brainwashed, can you? My water comes from a company. My sanitation is a septic tank that I paid for. Public schools are the bain of this nation as they no longer educate, but rather indoctinate. And as for firefighters, we have a volunteer department. What do I need socilaism for unless I and my community are just too stupid to do it ourselves? Enjoy the kool-ade.
MAJ Damajah Arnold
MAJ Damajah Arnold
4 y
I understand why some of the most ignorant people in this country, insist on clinging to bad narratives and bad definitions. It’s frightening to learn everything you’ve been told by Faux News is a lie by design. The water you are supplied for drinking, if it is not monitored or tested, can kill you. I doubt if you know how to do that, but there are “socialist” public health organizations who monitor public water sources, so that farmers, ranchers, and manufacturers don’t poison the water with the effluent from their operations. We have public schools, because someone smarter than you, thought that providing everyone with a free and appropriate education was important to maintain a robust economy and a viable democracy. Rather than drone on, I’ll leave you with these thoughts and I hope they don’t hurt your feelings. In your screed, you used or implied the I and me a lot. I’m alarmed that this growing selfishness in the light of the social and political disruption in this country, and the “mountain man mentality,” is why the country is in deep trouble right now. You didn’t build your septic tank, you don’t teach your children Algebra, and you didn’t pay for your community’s fire only believe you do. I suggest the next time you feel a need to educate other people about “socialism,” you take the time and trouble to look up the definition of the term, it’s roots and application, and why we have things like social security, income taxes, public education, public health, and all the other things you seem to be raising against.
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