Posted on Jun 11, 2016
SSG Operations Sergeant
Posted in these groups: 768bc53d QMP
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Responses: 10
SSG Senior Maintenance Supervisor
Its odd that I am seeing a lot of 16, 17, and 18 year Service members get tagged for a QMP and kicked out.... just short of retirement. Dirty... really dirty.
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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
SSG (Join to see) great question, I am standing by to hear of some responses. Experience and wisdom is a must at the NCO level, why cut the force when Senior NCOs are needed IMO.
MGySgt James Forward
MGySgt James Forward
>1 y
SGT Robert George - IF there are no limits on how long someone can serve would you like to see a professional PFC or Cpl with over 20 years service? On active duty, not in the reserves or NG. The longer those in senior positions stay, the more difficult it is to balance ranks in all MOS's. What we like to see is a pyramid; as you look at each grade in the MOS the one above it is smaller the one below it. When a field looks like a diamond (swollen in the middle ) it creates many problems. Stagnation of promotions, early retirements due to no hope to get promoted. You need to look at this thru big Army's eyes not the soldiers. Yes, I know folks will get forced out. Sorry, but that is how it goes. Semper Fi.
SGT Robert George
SGT Robert George
>1 y
Point well taken MGySgt. Im with you all the way with what you stated .
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
>1 y
I would like to see the military, as a whole, pare down in size from the TOP DOWN. We have Way Way Way more General Officers now than we can possibly justify by any stretch of the imagination. Just saying, that if you eliminate General Officer positions that frees up enough money to pay for more Infantry Platoon.
1SG First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
Have to make cuts when we are downsizing so start with the ones who stepped on their crank one to many times. Another thing that is going to free up some room is the roll back of the RCP dates. There are many on my peers who need to go to the house. I would also like to see if a senior turns down a duty position such as 1SG 180 days later they are retired or put out. There are way to many leaders out here just collecting a paycheck. At JBLM we are apparently over strength on 25W/25U5O but we have SFCs holding 1SG positions? Time to trim the fat boys and girls.
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1SG First Sergeant
I'm pretty sure lots did. Considering two in my BN alone did.
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