Posted on Jan 27, 2015
Cybersecurity is Top Priority in Pentagon’s Future Acquisitions
“The Joint Staff has recently put out a formal requirement document that includes cybersecurity as a key part of the survivability key performance parameter [KPP],” for every new acquisition. He also noted that his staff and that of the DoD’s chief procurement officer, Frank Kendall, “have jointly written a guidebook for acquisition programs on how to better secure things with embedded computing systems.” Examples of embedded computing systems are routers and modems, but can also be digital watches and MP3 players.
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 2
I couldn't disagree with this priority. All too often one can read an article of this or that company getting hit, Target, Sony, Home Depot are three large civilian companies that I can name from just the past 18 months whereas it hit mainstream media. There are countless other hits experienced all across industry and the government and military are not immune to such attacks. There is no such thing as 100% security, especially in the computer industry. With constant patches implemented from an OS to router firmware to MS Word, with so many updates, there are bound to be security holes that are not only fixed but such patches could also introduce new exploits. I've read numerous white papers on how a security fix also served to fix one problem but allowed another unforeseen back door to be unlocked. Plus there are numerous 'doomsday' scenarios whereas the infrastructure of our great nation is compromised due to a cyber attack. Imagine the electric grid being taken over via a hostile hacker, it could disable everything from lights at the house on up to electricity for a surgery ward to traffic lights.
I'm glad the government and military is finally recognizing the extreme importance of cybersecurity. It just helps solidify my resolve as I work on my bachelors of science in cybersecurity, hoping to graduate end of this year.
I'm glad the government and military is finally recognizing the extreme importance of cybersecurity. It just helps solidify my resolve as I work on my bachelors of science in cybersecurity, hoping to graduate end of this year.
This is a major priority and has been proven to be paramount at least in the operative.
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