SFC, here's my question, and this might have bee asked already. Yes we are in a "digital world" and equipment does fail. Now what do you do? How do YOU retrieve your digital documents? If you don’t have them backed up on paper you might be failing yourself. Please don’t take this in the wrong way, you have given great information but let Soldiers know, a back-up plan is have it on paper as well.
I still maintain all of my original awards, promotion certificates, re-enlistments, resident-course certifications, and pretty much anything that was given to me in heavy card-stock and/or in a green or blue presentation folder. As for everything else, I wouldn't say I have thrown it away but I definitely don't inventory my paper trail. Filing cabinets were the bane of my existence as the Training NCO so I transformed our company into a digital masterpiece, only printing/maintaining paper documents as needed, and then applied the same practices to my personal files. Ctrl+F is a beautiful thing.
A good binder to keep your original documents in is all you need. If it is in your OMPF, you don't necessarily need to keep another copy, but all of the original source files in your career should go in there. I keep original award certs, original training certs, and the stuff that says "I Love Me". My NCOERs, counselings and copies of papers that I have mostly just clutter it up, when those docs are available online.
I recommend you not keep stuff with SSNs on it.