Posted on Jan 5, 2015
SPC Lukas Jones
I am working toward my goal of reclassify into a language dependent MOS and I have taken my DLAB with great scores. After talking to an AC recruiter, I have discovered that there is no way to choose a language. I am conversational (but not fluent) in German and would prefer to gain fluency in that language rather than learning a totally new language thy I may mot even be passionate about.

Now that that is out of the way, my question is this: does the Army give you a preference choice on Languages (like you get with duty station assignments) or is it completely up to luck of the draw? It seems that there should be some savy recruiters out there (and some higher-up brass) that would understand the benefits of allowing translators to choose their preferred languages to learn.

Thoughts on this?
Posted in these groups: 090710 a 3251c 006 ReclassForeign language Foreign Language2769f19a DLAB
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Responses: 10
SGT(P) Unit Supply Specialist
In the last MILPER Message 14-367 Update to Reclass In and Out Calls, the only 35P that has a shortage are the 35P AZ. That includes all Arabic Dialects (AD, AE, AJ, AK, AL, AM, AN, AP, AQ, AU, AV, BS, BW, DG,
DH, IC, QE, QW). The rest of the languages are either balanced or over strength. You can look for yourself here I hope that gives you more info about what MOS to reclass.
SPC Lukas Jones
SPC Lukas Jones
>1 y
That helps a lot! I am on my phone so I can't log in to see that MILPER yet but I will look closer when I can
MSG Human Intelligence Collector
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Modern Standard Arabic looks to be your best bet. I am 99.9% certain if you are going to transfer to AD there will be no opportunity to take German as an enlisted 35P.
SP5 Michael Rathbun
SP5 Michael Rathbun
>1 y
For Arabic, I would try to get either Egyptian (at least you can be understood all over due to all the Egyptian soap operas), or Urban Hijazi, which gets you along well in the Gulf.
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SGT(P) Human Intelligence Collector
I'm trying to apply for a DLI slot right now as part of my re-enlistment. I was told that I could request my top three language choices, but that it would really depend on what class dates were available, and I was not guaranteed any of those choices.

That being said, if your score is high enough, you will most likely be slotted into a Cat III or Cat IV language. If, however, you study up on your German well enough to take a DLPT, you can always test for that language later and get paid for that language as well.

Here are the languages taught at DLI:
SPC Lukas Jones
SPC Lukas Jones
>1 y
I appreciate the information. As I'm going to school from the end of a 6 month extension, I have the convenience of being able to wait for a class date (perk of being in a brigade maybe) I did score high enough to take any language and my 3 proffered languages are German, Japanese and Russian (in order) German obviously being first on my list as I already know some. I'm not so much looking to get paid for knowing it, but I desire to work in that language.
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MAJ RaĂşl Rovira
My understanding from talking with some colleges with Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), If you are fluent (for example) in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and German that is great and more power to you. However DoD prefers Russian, Chinese, and Arabic.

Think Hunt for Red October, "It is wise to speak the language of my enemy." If I recall Sean Connery's line.

Long explanation to say, It is good to have preferences, but it comes down to the needs of the Army.
SPC Lukas Jones
SPC Lukas Jones
>1 y
Thanks for that comment Sir! I greatly appreciated a Sean Connery quite as well! Russian was number two on my list with Japanese following in a close third. Perhaps, Russian would be a better language to peruse. Of course, factoring in demand and potential for promotion are some of my decision making factors. I don't want to retire as a SPC!
MAJ RaĂşl Rovira
MAJ RaĂşl Rovira
>1 y
SPC (P) Matt Barretta, you are doing good hard career analysis. I commend you for being deliberate and your passion. Since Russia is so close to Alaska I guess I should follow our lead and learn some Russian too.
SP5 Michael Rathbun
SP5 Michael Rathbun
>1 y
Don't know how it is now, but when we lived in Kodiak there were lots of places on Kodiak and out on the Peninsula where it was a really good idea to know either Russian or the local language if it was anything other than a friend/family visit.
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Choosing Language Speciality; Does the Army take into consideration your existing language skills?
SPC Squad Leader
Needs of the Army. I know plenty of people who are heritage speakers. They end up going to DLI for a different language. However that being said. I wish the Army did take into consideration people who already speak a language the Army needs or the option to test out of DLI.
SPC Lukas Jones
SPC Lukas Jones
>1 y
If you can pass the DLPT, you can skip DLI all together. I would think tho, the Army would take personal preferences into account as some may not have a desire to learn Arabic or Mandrin. Personally, if I'm being forced to learn a language that I don't have a desire to know, I'm more likely to resent that. That's the reason I took French and not Spanish in HS.
SSG Tim Everett
SSG Tim Everett
>1 y
SPC Chao, I really REALLY recommend going to DLI for a different language than the one you speak naturally. Having more languages makes you marketable in the long run, and you have more options for assignments later if you choose to make MI/languages a career.

Plus, I mean, DLI is probably the best post I've ever been to, not only is the location just absolutely beautiful but there's so much to do there.
SPC Squad Leader
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y

I'm merely saying that in terms of how much time and effort the Army should invest in a linguist. If they have a language already.

I had several friends who were native CM linguist who got sent there to learn another language. Only to DLPT back into their native language cause they couldn't learn another language. So time and money wasted.

I do know several people who are really apt to learning languages. In fact they know 4 or 5 languages. But this was done on their own time without going to DLI.
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MSG Psychological Operations Specialist
I'm starting a language class later this year at the JFK center. I was interviewed (as a group) by the language manager at the center and we were allowed to put down our own preference but its not really a guarantee unless the unit I'm going to needs it. I think your best bet is to simply ask for your preferred language when you show up to your school house and be very clear that you have already been studying German!
SPC Lukas Jones
SPC Lukas Jones
>1 y
Thanks SGT. I'll try that. I'm not asking it to be written into my contract or anything, but I scored high enough to learn any language at DLI. But like I said, I'd rather continue with German.
MSG Human Intelligence Collector
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Your best bet is to get with your nearest reserve career counselor to find the nearest unit with linguist billets and see what they are.
SPC Lukas Jones
SPC Lukas Jones
>1 y
I will certainly try that Sargeant. I do know that the DLI website mentions German as a language offering, but perhaps it is the Army that is not so forthcoming with that language speciality.
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MAJ FAO - Europe
Good work on learning German. I'm sure there are good German-coded jobs out there for linguists. But, lots and lots of people speak German, especially in the Army.

I'd recommend going for a difficult or unique language that is on the critical language list. As many have noted, the in-call is for Arabic. You can't go wrong with that choice, and it'll be worth much more outside the military.
SPC Lukas Jones
SPC Lukas Jones
>1 y
Thank you for that information Sir. I honestly had a desire to learn a European Language (German, French, Italian) as that is my family herritige and I do wish to travel back there later in my life and be able to truly enjoy the culture. I do understand "Needs of the Army" all to well and honestly, I am surprised that with the current happenings, Korean and Russian have not been added to the list of needed languages. I am not making a haste decision here and I still have a few months before I request the school so I appreciate you taking the time to add your knowledge to the discussion.
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SSG(P) Team Leader
I recently graduated AIT as a Korean linguist in 2018, and before I went to basic training as of 2016 I was emailed and asked what my top three options were. I received my top pick, however I know many people that did not get a language that was on their list at all. Now you have to have a minimum 110 DLAB to join as a 35P, which qualifies you for any language taught at DLI. So it is pretty much needs of the army at that point. I've been told if you are there with someone else and you are the same rank you can switch languages as long as it is before your class start date, but haven't verified this to be true. Hope this helps
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SGT(P) Cryptologic Linguist
Currently the Army isn't authorized any German Linguists just a heads up. You can find these numbers on the IKN website then go to OCMI from there click enlisted proponent and 35P. On the right hand side there will be a link that says December update on there you will be able to see what languages are authorized what skill levels and positions
SPC Lukas Jones
SPC Lukas Jones
>1 y
I have no idea what IKN or OCMI are. Could you send me a private message with a link?
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SSG Tim Everett
Your initial language is based off the DLAB -- the DLAB is made-up languages that are designed to closely mirror the grammatical construction patterns of real-world languages. Based on which language pattern you most closely identify with, they assign you a language in that category. So unless something changed in the last 20 years since I went through, anyone who is an initial-entry trainee there who tells you they chose their language is probably lying, or a very special case (so special as to be rare).

Now -- that being said, you can most certainly request a language. It's called re-enlistment. I did it.
SSG Tim Everett
SSG Tim Everett
>1 y
Normally you just get a language assignment. They don't generally tell you which language you're better suited towards learning, meaning they don't offer the information. I'm sure you could probably ask and might even get an answer.

Because you're probably re-enlisting into a language MOS, odds are good that you get to pick a language. Go for something good, something useful. I recommend Chinese.
LTC Joseph Gross
LTC Joseph Gross
>1 y
I've done some looking around and I think that's a myth. I've been in the linguist field for over twenty years and this is the first I've heard of it. My problem believing it is some grammar sets are simply unique. You're not going to find a test that could show an affinity to Chinese and also aim you towards Russian. In fact, grammar is nearly identical in so many languages I can't see how it would work. Also, there is a direct correlation between how high you score and which languages you qualify to learn. A higher score would not show you have an affinity for a particular grammar set... What do you think? By the way, I'm a Russian and Ukrainian trained FAO.
SPC Lukas Jones
SPC Lukas Jones
>1 y
I scored a 104 on the DLAB. According to the information I was provided at the time, I can take any of the offered languages through DLI.
SSG Tim Everett
SSG Tim Everett
>1 y
You're a careerist, not a trainee. That's why. I'm presuming you're re-enlisting and reclassing?
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I have to disappoint you by saying you get no "choice" in a language. You will be slotted as the need of the language at the time. Look up the Strategic Language List to see which will determine which languages are in demand currently. The language you speak, German, is not currently a language needed in language dependent MOSes. You can try Defense Attache to get to maybe choose a language you already know but that MOS still will have ones that are already priority. Best of luck, and best wishes.
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