Posted on May 4, 2018
Can you still request an assignment on a TRADOC base (such as Fort Huachuca) if you were disqualified by TYPE II disqualification?
Is there a regulation that states once you are disqualified from either drill sergeant duty, recruiter duty, or AIT platoon sergeant duty that you can NEVER work on a tradoc base such as Fort Huachuca? Additionally if you are disqualified from one of these duties can you still put in an instructor packet for say NCOA instructor?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
You can still be assigned to TRADOC bases in a slot that is not considered a "position of trust". However, depending on your MOS and rank, there may not be an open position at the Base you want, outside of the school.
Instructor is one of the positions of trust, so you would not be eligible for that.
Instructor is one of the positions of trust, so you would not be eligible for that.
The NCOA is very selective about instructors and won’t put a SGT on podium, as best as I recall. I believe the lowest they want are SSGs with a few years TIG. Calling branch will only get you to Huachuca, they can’t pin point you. You will pop up on the gains roster and the CSMs will divide up the inbounds. I’m a chief instructor (not at the NCOA); feel free to message me or look me up in global for more information.
There any plenty of Training Developer positions at Fort Huachuca that are outside instructor and drill positions.
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