Posted on Jun 2, 2020
SSG Luke Roloff
I recently got out of the Army after 6 years, and am hoping to join the marines as an officer(earned my degree during high school and beginning part of enlistment). I want to either go Marine Recon or even Raider. From what I've read they prefer experience before entering either field. However, since I am prior service with combat experience, will I be required to start as a regular infantry officer or can i go straight into either right away?
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Responses: 5
Cpl Archie H.
I am an 0311. Just a simple rifleman. It has been over 50 years since I have been in the field with the Marine Corps. Since I have been out and over throughout the years I had no contact with any Marines. What I noticed over the passing years when I greeted someone wearing a ball cap with a Marine Corps Eagle Globe or Anchor on it in a store I was informed by them they were all Marine Recon. Honestly I never met someone who was an office piggy, air wing, office pogue they are all Marine Recon, or snipers. I was educated in the Marines to believe the backbone of the Marine Corps was someone with 0300 infantry MOS. But in spit of this I never had anyone tell me they were a simple grunt they were all commandoes..
SGT Randall Smith
SGT Randall Smith
>1 y
SPC Richard DiCristi - I have to agree with you DiCristi. BUT when the crap hits the fan and Charlie is at the wire yu will find cooks, clerks, truck drivers and radio men on the line firing into the wire. It may last 10 minutes, two hours or all night, but for that time they are all just infantryl.
SPC Richard DiCristi
SPC Richard DiCristi
>1 y
SGT Randall Smith - What I meant was that anyone who is running their mouth about their fake or aggrandized Service is never impersonating one of those jobs, it's always some "Elite" type. As an aside, One guy who I met, who was an Army SSG on Recruiting Duty was "just" a Transportation guy who drove a truck. Two tours in Iraq when being a truck driver was a really dangerous job. Low key, soft spoken, had a Combat Action Badge that he kind of said was no big deal. If I had to be a sitting duck on some of those bad roads in Iraq, I'd be petrified.
SGT Randall Smith
SGT Randall Smith
>1 y
SPC Richard DiCristi - I often ran convoys through the Delta. The way we armored our jeep was simple. Put a flack jacket on the floor under your feet, put one folded up in the seat under your butt and wear one. That was our armor. During monsoon season we might ride with the canvas top on to protect the radio. Other wise we rode with out a roof and not side bars. To hard to get out of if we were hit.
SPC Richard DiCristi
SPC Richard DiCristi
>1 y
I always found the stripped out M113 ACAV hull on the truck bed to be the most interesting one, but the quad .50 AA mount and the one with the armored bed and cab that mounted just about anything (M60's, M2's or 7.62mm MiniGuns) that could be scrounged to be pretty menacing from that era. I'm sure they all vomited out enough fire to beat off ambushes.
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SGM Bill Frazer
NO, since you have not attended their version of BOLC- that's where you go. REcon/Raider Bn Commanders normal decide what officers goes to those units officer wise.
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Pvt Jeff Oehlsen
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You want to be an officer in the Marine Corps is the best part of this post.
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