Posted on Jul 8, 2015
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
Your unit is conducting a military ball. The senior leader says she wants 100 percent participation. The event is a formal and tickets are $20 to $40. You are new - brand new to the unit. You are an E-4 and don't have the money to attend until you are paid again. Can a supervisor force a subordinate to buy a ticket, have her dry clean her dress uniform, and attend the ball, and try to have a good time? Would she be treated differently if she respectfully refused?
Posted in these groups: Militaryball 8198 t Military BallF9fb8d7b Chain of Command
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Responses: 408
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Edited 8 y ago
CH (MAJ) William Beaver Absolutely not. Those are strictly volunteer type of events and no one in the leadership chain should be forcing anyone to attend. If they chose not to attend it should not be reflected in their day-to-day dealings with leadership if they didn't attend the event. First of all it is a hardship for younger enlisted personnel to afford these events. When I had Brigade and Battalion Balls we tried reduce the cost for lower enlisted personnel. Shouldn't be done period.

RP Members and Connections what are your thoughts in reference to my response?

SGT Leslie C. Erdman, JR SPC Michael Stedman Cody Masiero Cpl Casey Meyer CPT (Join to see) SPC Mary Hargrove CPL Phillipe Farneti LT Scott O'Shaughnessy, MBA SFC Rick H Sgt Eddie Green D. Cree Crawford SFC Scott Hudnall SFC (Join to see) SSG Darrin Bovia Sgt James Baxley ] Pmc Mcb SFC Dante Alanis SPC John W. PV2 Tj Scott
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
5 y
Bad Business? CDR ‘should’? The Army operates upon the NEEDS of the Army.CSM (Join to see)
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
5 y
I definitely ‘caught’ them CSM! LOLCSM (Join to see)
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
5 y
THAT would be wonderful; however, That IS NOT reality for E4’s IMHO.1SG Mark Wilson
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
5 y
I was NEVER offered an OPTION of ‘civilian’ attire. Even HAD to ‘Travel’ in Uniform.SSG Kevin Price SR
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SFC Eric Stoneburner
this kind of question has been around for decades. the right answer is NO, you cannot force a subordinate to pay for and attend an event/buy additional gifts/plaques etc. if the leadership is intent on 100% participation then they need to find a way to fund it so the cost is zero, then you can direct your troops to attend a "mandatory" event.
PO2 Bill Reardon
PO2 Bill Reardon
7 y
MAJ Will Sullivan skins a little thin there major
MAJ Will Sullivan
MAJ Will Sullivan
7 y
PO2 Bill Reardon - So whats your point? Did you read the comment that I replied too? Evidently not. Wanna try again?
PVT Military Police
PVT (Join to see)
5 y
I have no spouse. I hate formal events in or out of uniform. Most of these kind of events just remind me that I don’t like most of my leadership and would gladly pay money not to be around them. I understand not going means I pick up the slack and work the extra days for the guys that get a free 3 or 4 day from this. The problem is t that soldiers don’t respect the tradition or that we don’t have the money. The biggest issue, at least in my unit, is that soldiers legitimately just don’t want to be around the higher ups in our “downtime”.CH (COL) (Join to see)
PO2 Bill Reardon
PO2 Bill Reardon
>1 y
CH (COL) (Join to see) That’s a “HOT LOAD OF SH*T”
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CSM Battalion Command Sergeant Major
The bottom line is you SHOULD WANT TO GO. If you don't you need to consider your long term career options. The Army is a tribe and one things that tribes do is gather together. We have traditions and customs. Unfortunately we also have a lot of young people who think that they are owed something...they have forgotten (if they ever knew) that they were supposed to be serving the nation. The same people who bitch and complain about attending the ball will eventually be the same, fat drunk at the end of the bar at the VFW reliving their glory days. Sickening
PVT Military Police
PVT (Join to see)
5 y
If you want me to take pride in my unit, then ensure my unit is something I can feel proud of. Do not attack my honor because I don’t want to spend my night pretending to be friendly with men who can ruin my life based on something I say and that I don’t trust not to. MSG (Join to see)
Landrew Usoalii S.
Landrew Usoalii S.
5 y
First and foremost as a senior NCO in the greatest military in the world, I must say you carry yourself in a very unlrofessional way. But, you are correct in some points. For example:
1- You should want to attend any unit/company events so you may strengthen the bond and brother/sisterhood within the teams.
Now with that being said, situation(s) dictates and changes any approach, plus any NCOs "SHOULD NOT" force any subordinates to buy and attend any functions just because she/he wants it a 100% participations. You should be mindful of how you respond to Q&A on here, because you don't sound like a SENIOR NCO. And you are a disgrace in that uniform.
SFC Practical/Vocational Nursing
SFC (Join to see)
5 y
I believe your comment is inappropriate and disrespectful. If I had a dollar every time a cocky And incompetent NCO said, “you should want to” or “it’s expected”, or “a good NCO would”, I’d be rich. If the Soldier don’t want to go, are they really the issue, or is it your leadership creating an environment where they just want to be as far away from you as they can get? Personally I’ve been in units where I wouldn’t pass up an event like a dinning in. I’ve also been in units where my peers and leaders disgust me and I am not going to a dining in unless ordered to. An order will never happen though because IG would be all over it.

Also, what does going to a ball have to do with serving the nation or feeling entitled? A soldier is entitled because they would rather spend some time with their toddler than sucking up to a senior NCO?
SSG Iet Trainee
SSG (Join to see)
5 y
This is a terrible perspective. With all due respect. This is the reason our army leadership is as toxic as it is. Attitudes like this. You don’t need to attend a ball to be a good soldier. I have yet to attend a single ball, nor do i want to. And i can guarantee you that i will not be a fat drunk reliving the glory days. You’re mindset needs to be gone from the service. With all due respect CSM.
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