Posted on Apr 18, 2015
LT Naval Aviator
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I know that this article is dated and that AWG has been retired. I think that it might be a good uniform to reconsider. I'm all for not having thousands of dollars tied up in uniforms that hardly ever get used, but... LT Bates makes several good points. It can be an optional uniform that serves as a watch standing uniform or it can be a uniform used on non flying days, i.e ground job. I personally would like to see it come back as a service uniform. It would bridge the gap between, the almost too informal in my opinion (blasphemy I know), khakis and SDBs. I have always admired that the Marine Corps service uniform can go from an open-collar short sleeved shirt to long sleeve shirt with tie and coat depending on the situation. What are your thoughts? Is this something that is even feasible or practical? Either way I think it's a sharp garment and I lament coming to Naval Aviation just a few years too short.

This brings up another discussion.

Although it was shot down, I use this article to justify my belief that there is a gap between the two main uniforms that we use. The SDK makes more sense for a Navy wide implementation. It would maintain the service khaki that we have, that is so highly lauded, but it would also give the ability to dress it up for more formal occasions. All that would be needed to purchase would be a coat and maybe the long sleeved shirt, though the surface Navy already uses a long sleeved shirt on the ship so it is already in production. We already have the shoes, trousers, combo/garrison cover, and black tie (from SDBs). In my opinion it would give the khaki a better look. I know it is lauded as a comfortable and practical service uniform. I don't think that it is that comfortable to begin with and I would rather add the long sleeve shirt and tie to look more professional. Uniform regs could even reflect different combinations based on time of year much like the SDBs and chokers.
Again, I don't think that I'm the only one that sees a gap between current khakis and SDBs. I don't think summer whites stop that gap either due to the fact that it is the khaki uniform in function and formality if only white. Call me old fashioned or a dumb Ensign but I joined that Navy not only to do cool shit but to look good while doing it. What are your thoughts?
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Responses: 4
CPO Naval Aircrewman
Things come and go and unfortunately we are worried more about being trendy and appealing to everyone’s sense of self than we are about tradition these days but I for one was Devi stated that I had not at the time of decommissioning of the AWG attained the requisite rank of Chief Petty Officer so I could not purchase a set, fast forward to last year, I procured material from an authorized naval uniform manufacturer and a post WWII set of AWG and set out on my mission, I found a custom suit tailor in Vegas who was up to the challenge and if you are in Fallon NV in mid March 2022 you can see an old Chief retire in AWG after 24 years of service because damn it that’s a nice looking uniform and as Chief Petty Officers, we are the keepers of Naval heritage and traditions!
LCDR Maintenance Officer
LCDR (Join to see)
>1 y
Out of curiosity, which tailor did you use? I have a set I finally found after literally years of searching, and my Skipper is gonna consider them "organizational clothing" for me (I'm the MO and my Chiefs all wear Khakis on Fridays to dress up - gotta one up them). They fit...but not perfectly, and they're older. Wouldn't mind a new set, specifically to do what you're doing in a few weeks (though I'll be like 7 years down the road after you)
LCDR Aerospace Engineering Duty, Maintenance (AMDO and AMO)
LCDR (Join to see)
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LCDR (Join to see) - Would love to see that become a thing for Ground O's.
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CSM Charles Hayden
ENS Skyler Barger, Appearance of the uniform is 'a' reason you went into the Navy?

Not me Ensign, I always wanted to be a Soldier and regret being overaged and not being able to participate!
LT Naval Aviator
LT (Join to see)
>1 y
Sure, why not? I love the Navy, what I do, and the people I work with. Why would we have dress uniforms if we didn't take pride in our appearance? The military is very much a social organization apart from its war fighting function.
LCDR Aerospace Engineering Duty, Maintenance (AMDO and AMO)
LCDR (Join to see)
3 y
I'm always amused at people who question others' motivations for serving.
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CAPT Kevin B.
I remember the brown shoes hanging around for some time. There were two uniforms, long gone, that I wish were still around. First was the bell bottom dungarees. Easy to wash, comfortable, and durable. The second which the components are used today, "Salt and Pepper" which is the white shirt and black pants. For some uses, e.g. hospitals, data centers, etc. they work well.
CAPT Kevin B.
CAPT Kevin B.
>1 y
Half right. It's the black trousers you wore with winter black and the tropical white shirt with shoulder boards for officers and collar devices for enlisted.
LT Naval Aviator
LT (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you for your response sir. That sounds like a cool combination.
CPO Emmett (Bud) Carpenter
CPO Emmett (Bud) Carpenter
>1 y
When you saw someone in bell bottom dungarees you new they were sailor
CPO Jerry Smith
CPO Jerry Smith
>1 y
I retired from the Navy in 1991. It amazes me when I go to a base now. When I was in you could tell rates by rating badges uniforms, now they all look the same. Too many uniforms at what cost's. Whatever changed was eventually changed back to the way it was. I do like the white new cracker jacks.
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