Posted on Oct 1, 2015
Are you ready to say goodbye to the Green Army Service Uniform?
Today was the last day for the Army Green Service Uniform. So long farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, good night..... The dress blue Class A uniform is the only approved Army Service Uniform. How do you feel about this? I always thought the dress blues were much classier than the dress greens and we all looked like walking pickles in it.
#Farewell Army Green Service Uniform, 1954-2015. Today is the last day #Soldiers can wear it. U.S. Army General Colin L. Powell at Persian Gulf War Welcome Home Parade in New York City in 1991.
#Farewell Army Green Service Uniform, 1954-2015. Today is the last day #Soldiers can wear it. U.S. Army General Colin L. Powell at Persian Gulf War Welcome Home Parade in New York City in 1991.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 50

Suspended Profile
I'm not in the Army or an expert, but I think the green uniform looked more appropriate as a Service uniform. Blues should be a dress uniform exclusively (like with ours). Perhaps it does look more classy, but for me the green "suit" looks more relate-able for the job...
Rambo does not approve.
Rambo does not approve.
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SFC William Swartz Jr
Pinks and Greens had my "Vote" when they began the uniform douchebaggery back in '08 or '09 when they chose to go with the ASUs.....

CSM Charles Hayden
Sgt Ivan Radusinovic Don't suck up Marine! I will not nominate you to be the next Chief of Staff for the U S Army!

SP5 Cam Garcia
When I was in AIT in 1969, for the Pershing Missile Battery Class (PMBC), and in our large bay were a group of Marines who were attending the Counter Battery Counter Mortar Class. I looked in one of the lockers, and they showed me the Dark Green Jacket, pants and brown shirt. AT the time I thought this was a bit classy than the current Army Green Class A... Ahh, have times

SMSgt David A Asbury
Sgt Ivan Radusinovic - I agree with you, green is not good for the AF.
Being old school, the Army greens look normal to me. The Army blues remind me of the 1860s. They look good, but they clash with my mental picture.
Capt Seid Waddell
1SG (Join to see), I grew up in the west, and that history was all around us. My father knew Civil War soldiers - but they wore Butternut Gray.
SP5 Cam Garcia
If you want to talk about old, I remember wearing a tan shirt under the old Class A Jacket and Black necktie (circa 1960)....
SSG Bob Teachout
I wore the poplin shirt myself!
But I actually preferred the green shirt, when that came out.
It was nice to be able to go outside without your blouse.
But I actually preferred the green shirt, when that came out.
It was nice to be able to go outside without your blouse.
I was roughly fitted my first set of summer [AG-344] and winter weight [AG-44] in November 1974. Since I was entering basic combat training and there was a realistic expectation that my size would change based on countless push-ups, pull-ups, sit-up, a few dying cockroaches and cut-aways [front leaning rest to parade rest over asphalt or concrete] the actual cut was made later. My first sets of greens were somewhat ill-fitted; but, since they were government issued and paid for I didn't complain.
My next sets I was required to purchase be cause I was going to be a commissioned officer. The funds were taken from our USMA cadet account [funds paid to us but sued to purchase government equipment, books, uniforms, etc,]. This set of greens was custom fit by Haas Tailors. I couldn't help but to compare the processes of 1974 to 1980 and level of care, to custom fit to the black stripe along the side of the trousers.
I had saved sets of uniforms from green fatigues, through starchable khakis, BDUs, mess and dress blues, and yes Army greens [AG-489 introduced in the 1990's]. All my uniforms were lost when we were evicted last summer - I gave them up because I did not have sufficient space to store them.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs, LTC Stephen C., CPT (Join to see), SSG Franklin Briant SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SMSgt David A Asbury CPT L S SSG Stephen Rogerson Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. MSgt Paul Connors LTC (Join to see) LTC Wayne Brandon
My next sets I was required to purchase be cause I was going to be a commissioned officer. The funds were taken from our USMA cadet account [funds paid to us but sued to purchase government equipment, books, uniforms, etc,]. This set of greens was custom fit by Haas Tailors. I couldn't help but to compare the processes of 1974 to 1980 and level of care, to custom fit to the black stripe along the side of the trousers.
I had saved sets of uniforms from green fatigues, through starchable khakis, BDUs, mess and dress blues, and yes Army greens [AG-489 introduced in the 1990's]. All my uniforms were lost when we were evicted last summer - I gave them up because I did not have sufficient space to store them.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs, LTC Stephen C., CPT (Join to see), SSG Franklin Briant SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SMSgt David A Asbury CPT L S SSG Stephen Rogerson Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. MSgt Paul Connors LTC (Join to see) LTC Wayne Brandon
CPL Ruby Merriweather- Garnett
I wish you would have had family or friends who would have stored them for you.
LTC Stephen F.
Thank you my friend CPL Ruby Merriweather- Garnett for providing an uplifting comment
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