Posted on Oct 6, 2016
Are we really training seriously for the next conventional war? All the signs I see say no.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 45
As long as you are training to shoot and move, pushing yourself physically and mentally, you are preparing. We are just the grunts in the effort, leave the winning of hearts and minds to the politicians.
No because by the time all data & AAR's are calculated it takes TRADOC 3 years to implement the new training.
We always train for the last war and are surprised when the next is completely different. I wonder what the battlefield would look like if we had a war that starts with a region encompassing EMP?
SGT Eric Knutson
I agree, I think that if that were to happen then many people here would be getting calls to report in for at least a training cadre to reteach the techniques for fighting and surviving in a non electronic battlefield. Remember 1stSgt walking around stop and yell "BRIGHT FLASH OF LIGHT"?
Jeremy Pratt
EMP followed by a force of troops and equipment from RORO and container ships. In the confusion of the electronic outage they would take an entire area and fortify it before anyone knew what happened.
No matter how much you train you are never prepared ... and the best they can do it train for the last one they fought... on the conventional side...
I think this is funny because in my case when I enlisted in 1965 the 4th Div.was being reactivated we trained for almost a year to deploy to Germany,even were issued the green cold weather green wool uniforms,snowpack boots the whole enchilada,but alas lo and behold we were sent to sunny,hot Vietnam,so I would think the Military has to train for a variety theaters.
PO2 Robert Cuminale
SEABEEs used to have three bases in the US. When they closed Davisville RI on us we assumed they were no longer expecting us to be engaged in a cold location. Everything shifted to Port Hueneme CA and Gulfport MS where the weather was warm and there was lots of sand and swamp.
With the increasing aggressiveness of Russia under Putin. NATO should be more on guard than it is but the Europeans have stripped their armies to the bone in order to provide more social services than most can afford. They like to brag about the "womb to tomb" nanny state they provide but privately they know it is because the US is providing them with protection.
I was watching the Netherlands Tattoo one day on You Tube. I was reading the comments and one person asked if this was the Dutch army. A Dutch person replied, "What's left of it.".
With the exception of Great Britain I don't see how NATO is prepared for anything. I still remember Dutch soldiers in Yugoslavia sitting around doing nothing and allowing their headquarters building to be taken without a fight while a couple of thousand Muslim boys and men over 13 years old were executed in the building. It was then that Bill Clinton stepped in and ordered bombing. He'd held back to see if the Europeans would take charge.
With the increasing aggressiveness of Russia under Putin. NATO should be more on guard than it is but the Europeans have stripped their armies to the bone in order to provide more social services than most can afford. They like to brag about the "womb to tomb" nanny state they provide but privately they know it is because the US is providing them with protection.
I was watching the Netherlands Tattoo one day on You Tube. I was reading the comments and one person asked if this was the Dutch army. A Dutch person replied, "What's left of it.".
With the exception of Great Britain I don't see how NATO is prepared for anything. I still remember Dutch soldiers in Yugoslavia sitting around doing nothing and allowing their headquarters building to be taken without a fight while a couple of thousand Muslim boys and men over 13 years old were executed in the building. It was then that Bill Clinton stepped in and ordered bombing. He'd held back to see if the Europeans would take charge.
SGT Eric Knutson
PO2 Robert Cuminale - Ha that is a laugh, the Europeans taking charge, but only if the French could run things, We all laugh about the French army, and while I will agree that they have a few good troops, would you really trust a french general to be your leader ( 0 for 3)? I will suggest that you add the Germans to the list of good militaries, they have a respectable force and are trained to the same level as the Brits and us, Poles and Norse are very small but top line troops. And never forget the Swiss, the smallest, but I would say hardest, even at or above our standards from what I remember of them.
PO2 Robert Cuminale
SGT Eric Knutson - The Swiss have maintained neutrality in most of the last few centuries of war so I didn't consider them.
Ahhh the French. I am of French ancestry albeit we were originally Danes and our home is Normandy. Once in a while we joke about French proficiency in warfare. The only real victory seems to The Battle of Hastings in 1066. There were had 8 civil wars during the Reformation but that means they won and lost at the same time. (My family left France during the 2nd war in 1567) After a few more moves teh last being caught in the Thirty Years War with both combatants killing the neutral Calvinists my family ended up in the Netherlands which today we consider our real homeland before the US. Members of the family were active in the Dutch Navy in the wars between the Dutch and France and later Great Britain. England didn't treat them much better so it is easy to think of The netherlands that way.
Ahhh the French. I am of French ancestry albeit we were originally Danes and our home is Normandy. Once in a while we joke about French proficiency in warfare. The only real victory seems to The Battle of Hastings in 1066. There were had 8 civil wars during the Reformation but that means they won and lost at the same time. (My family left France during the 2nd war in 1567) After a few more moves teh last being caught in the Thirty Years War with both combatants killing the neutral Calvinists my family ended up in the Netherlands which today we consider our real homeland before the US. Members of the family were active in the Dutch Navy in the wars between the Dutch and France and later Great Britain. England didn't treat them much better so it is easy to think of The netherlands that way.
SGT Eric Knutson
PO2 Robert Cuminale - True, they are Neutral, but you have to think about it, the Poles were neutral as well and look what that got them. You have to be strong and smart to be neutral, or the biggest kid on the block with no interest in playing the game, They are small, but smart with good terrain and weather that favors them and their abilities.
I trained for 16.5 years and Every day you didn't if you were Going to Combat or Not so you
Keep yourself in check by being fit to Fight your Country. SSG MARK FRANZEN US ARMY
Keep yourself in check by being fit to Fight your Country. SSG MARK FRANZEN US ARMY
We have not done a large REFORGER exercise in quite a while. The CBRN folks post on the internet that they are bored in their jobs at the company level and have nothing to do. Have yet to see recent or many post 2000 pictures of troops in level 4 protective gear. It just seems to me if the answer is yes, then the training might not be realistic or else I am reading things wrong.
I think the next war will be knocking satellites out in space and long range Missle attacks. The side that looks like they will lose will probably use nuclear warheads on their missles. Also cyber attacks will also be used to knock out our electronics. I suspect we will be using an arsenal of weapons we haven't heard of yet. Semper Fi.
No, in my honest opinion, the chances for a world wide conventional war that doesn't go nuclear are slim. We need to be more concerned with the unconventional conflict, against un-uniformed but cohesive opponents. ISIS, ISIL, Boko Haram, and the like. They have an extremely large advantage over our troops in the simple fact they have no moral compass. No hesitation in using children as weapons, no hesitation in using innocent civilians as shields, and no hesitation in using shelters such as Churches, Historical Building, and the like as shields. Until and or unless we decided to use tactics that are less concerned with collateral damage, we will always be hand cuffed. I hate to sound like a vicious person, but when you let your moral high ground take control of your battle choices, you play right into the hands of your enemy. VC learned that years ago. A close friend of mine was a grunt in Viet Nam, while doing a patrol through one of the villages, a child came towards his squad ostensibly wanting a candy bar. From about 30 meters out one of the squad saw the wire connecting the kids hand to the grenade on his back. Shot the kid in the leg, luckily when he fell the wire hadn't had enough pull to remove the pin from the grenade. Kid lost a leg, but no GI's were killed. This type of scenario played out all over the country. As long as US troops hold all life as important, we are at a disadvantage. I don't have any answers, but I do believe that until the possibility of collateral damage is put on the back burner, we will have problems. I don't know if there is any training for this.
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