Posted on Oct 16, 2015
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
Are we really that jacked up as a society?

While we are concerned about buildings and statues to honor our World War I Veterans and spray painting messages of hate on these monuments, we allow one of our own to lie in his own blood. The fact that there is a big debate with monuments using the Black Lives Matter mantra and we have one of our own killed for absolutely no reason is bothersome and really ticks me off! That is one of our, is the life of one of our troops really expendable?

If anyone stateside can keep this story updated I would appreciate it very much! Also, I'd like to hear your comments on how you make this right. 159 homicides this year in the city of St Louis - is the monument to blame? Standing by to hear the rationale...we got a lot of smart people, make it make sense to me. This is definitely not directed towards anyone on RP however, I trust the group enough to raise this issue and it will gather a myriad of responses.

I see the city Alderman is working this issue:
Posted in these groups: Original Crime1 full St. Louis
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 9
CPT Military Police
CSM Michael J. Uhlig We didn't allow one of our own to lie alone in death, we didn't know.. We didn't know he was in danger, if we knew we would have been there to stop this.

When you posted this on another thread first, my first thought was that I will find out the where, when and I will attend his funeral because he is my brother in arms and he deserves to be respected.
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
>1 y
Thank you CPT (Join to see), please give Robert Polk's family my condolences as well.
CPT Military Police
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
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CPT (Join to see)
Yes, please pass on condolences. They will be in my prayers!
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LCDR Sales & Proposals Manager Gas Turbine Products
Edited >1 y ago
This is a a "civilized" society.

We don't yet know what occurred, or why-but it's enough to know a brother lost his life, and someone should provide answers.

All this hate...why? We enjoy a better life than practically the entire rest of the world. Sure, they have some nice things in Europe-they also have to just about fill out a form to visit the head.

Time we start remembering what we built together, rather than tearing it down over what keeps us apart.
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
>1 y
You really hit the mark LCDR (Join to see), very true words and words to live by "Time we start remembering what we built together, rather than tearing it down over what keeps us apart."
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SSG Warren Swan
CSM it's a damn shame when we loose one in battle. It's made worse when that serviceman comes home just to die on "friendly" soil. I'm sorry that this Soldier has been murdered. I'm deeply troubled for his family, and loved ones left behind. And who I'm also feeling sorry for are those who felt the need to do this. I feel sorry for them because of what they took away from us with no regards to his, the families, or our feelings. I feel sorry for them because one day they will be found, and will have to answer for what they did, and at that point I'll rejoice knowing that the family now has closure, the Army has closure, and that justice has been served. Problem with that is they'll spend the rest of their lives alive thinking about what got them there, blaming everyone but themselves, while getting three hots and a cot, and I do not think that's right.
As for the issues in America, we (SOME NOT ALL) want to place blame everywhere, on everything, and anyone but not on who it really needs to fall on. We don't want to hold folks accountable for their actions because it might offend or hurt relations. We want to claim mental illness as a "catch all" for every single person who acts out of line when we know good and damn well nothings wrong with them. I remember as a child when I acted up my father had a large dose of "Act Right". He ALWAYS won. You cannot do that today. You raise your voice or hand at a child and CPS is hauling you away. When that non disciplined child grows up, the local PD is hauling him away. There are hard solutions to the problems, but the actions to take them could be deemed extreme. When America's ready to make that hard left onto "lets do right together" Blvd, we'll get somewhere. When we stop making excuses for behavior that's' plainly inexcusable, we'll get somewhere. When parents begin again to be the role models for their kids and not let LeBron or some other sports "hero" be it for them, we'll get somewhere. We need to take that left soon because we've been on F*ck it highway for decades and it hasn't gotten us anywhere.

RIP Brother.
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
>1 y
Spoken from the heart, well said SSG Warren Swan.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
CSM Michael J. Uhlig - Thank you CSM
MAJ Matthew Arnold
MAJ Matthew Arnold
>1 y
Nailed it.
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Are our priorities that JACKED UP? Demolition workers find body of missing Army reservist in St. Louis alley.
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LTC Stephen F.
That is horrible news about the way that Robert Polk died but at least his body was found CSM Michael J. Uhlig
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
SMSgt Minister Gerald A. Thomas - That is sad news my friend and brother in Christ.
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SPC(P) Jay Heenan
It is very sad, we should never be afraid of our own, on our streets, in our country! Obviously, we don't have all of the details to even begin to understand why this might have happened. I pray that the family is able to find peace in the memories of him. I pray that the authorities find the individual(s) responsible and are brought to justice. 159 murders in St. Louis to date? Why isn't the city freaking out about this? Why isn't the country? This isn't a gun problem, this is a lack of respect for human life problem and maybe it is time to start really getting into the problem and find solutions (even if they may or may not be popular).
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CPT Military Police
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CPT Military Police
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SSgt Alex Robinson
Society has lost its moral compass
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
Liberals want more facts whenever it is a right-leaning issue but Hillary's malfeasance registers complete stupidity disavowing what they already know is true. As far at great Veteran, he is a good man and where is the complaints. I know.
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