Posted on Jul 2, 2015
Anti Vaccination Movement - what are your thoughts?
All of us have received a ton of vaccinations - a lot for stuff we have no idea about. I know after Desert Storm I didn't get sick for 10 years - then my son was born and preschool defeated everything the military threw at at. Curious what you all think. Personally, I think they are all crackpots but that's me. What do you all think?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
The Anti-vaxing movement is the greatest threat to public health, science and common sense in American history. The very fact that people still cling to a discredited study, while ignoring literally every other source of modern medicine and science saying that vaccine benefits outweigh the risks is astounding.
I am in the Public Health business. I see the anti-vax movement is one of the most dangerous threats to the Public Health. It is, in fact, a continuation of the dumbing gown of the US and the general hate / mistrust of science seen in the US in general.
Consider this...
Consider this...
CPT Zarin N.
Well said SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.. I'll never understand the anti-science movement...
I have never bought into the anti-vaccination movement as there is really no hard scientific data that shows there is any link to one or the other. My kids are getting vaccinated.
I work for a children's hospital. It's an enormous threat and our hospital fills to the brim every year with completely preventable diseases and not every kid leaves alive despite our best efforts.
SGT Jeremiah B.
MSgt Ronald Stacy, yeah, we were one of the epicenters of that outbreak. We sent out a bunch of letters to parents of immuno-compromised kids because we didn't have enough info on the front end.
I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I'm still okay with parents choosing to not immunize, but I think that should have significant ramifications with regards to public services and carry a criminal penalty for withholding that information from healthcare professionals..
I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I'm still okay with parents choosing to not immunize, but I think that should have significant ramifications with regards to public services and carry a criminal penalty for withholding that information from healthcare professionals..

Suspended Profile
Preacher-Choir situation here.....cannot agree with you enough.
SPC George Rudenko
You know SGT Jeremiah B. that there is no science backing what the conspiracy nutz "want" to believe. Â It will take another outbreak of measels, mumps, rubella, diptheria, typhoid, cholera, TB, pertussis or bubonic plague for people to go "Oh sh.... Â I should have vaccinated". Â By then, we'll all be wearing moon suits trying not to catch what someone else should never have had in the first place.
Great topic. The only exceptions should be those who have allergic reactions to a component of the vaccine.
I think that we are seeing the benefits of vaccinations started so long ago that people forget the devastation of the diseases they were created to eradicate. Polio was so bad, even the president of the US suffered from it. Now you are hard pressed to find it at all in the civilized world.
Some people really have a reason to not vaccinate: food allergies, religious objections, etc. Some use it as an excuse to have something to blame autism for. It is sad that the research that linked the two together was later recanted as false. Reminds me of the demonization of saccharin and MSG.
Some people really have a reason to not vaccinate: food allergies, religious objections, etc. Some use it as an excuse to have something to blame autism for. It is sad that the research that linked the two together was later recanted as false. Reminds me of the demonization of saccharin and MSG.
I'd like to quote Dr. House .... you know another great industry? baby coffins, I hear they come in different colors.
I have a relative who is anti vaxxer, she told me better hygiene habits are the reason polio isn't common anymore.
I have a relative who is anti vaxxer, she told me better hygiene habits are the reason polio isn't common anymore.
Well, hey LISTEN. I died form the last vaccination. No on should ever get vaccinated for anything because it cause you to get everything.
Geesh, folks, do you all know the government is just vaccinating you to control you. Heck they may just kill me again!
Geesh, folks, do you all know the government is just vaccinating you to control you. Heck they may just kill me again!
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
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