Posted on Jul 2, 2015
Anti Vaccination Movement - what are your thoughts?
All of us have received a ton of vaccinations - a lot for stuff we have no idea about. I know after Desert Storm I didn't get sick for 10 years - then my son was born and preschool defeated everything the military threw at at. Curious what you all think. Personally, I think they are all crackpots but that's me. What do you all think?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
The Anti-vaxing movement is the greatest threat to public health, science and common sense in American history. The very fact that people still cling to a discredited study, while ignoring literally every other source of modern medicine and science saying that vaccine benefits outweigh the risks is astounding.
I am in the Public Health business. I see the anti-vax movement is one of the most dangerous threats to the Public Health. It is, in fact, a continuation of the dumbing gown of the US and the general hate / mistrust of science seen in the US in general.
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CPT Zarin N.
Well said SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.. I'll never understand the anti-science movement...
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