Posted on Oct 28, 2015
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
Hillary Clinton demonstrated how out of touch she is with veterans’ issues when she went on some guy’s show on MSNBC and told Raymond, or Rachel, or whatever his name is that “issues within the VA have “not been as widespread as it has been made out to be”” according to CNN. John McCain shot back;

“I don’t know what Hillary Clinton’s view of what ‘widespread’ is but facts are stubborn things,” the 2008 Republican presidential nominee said on a conference call with reporters.

McCain also took issue with Clinton’s claim that Republicans have made the VA partisan and want to use it to privatize the VA. In doing so, McCain noted that he worked with her Democratic rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, to pass a VA reform bill.

“Now Hillary Clinton, in her blind ambition, has injected partisanship into the VA issue and that is disgraceful,” he said. “She owes an apology.”
Posted in these groups: Imgres Hillary ClintonLnvhr8ed CNN
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 29
LTC Tom Barbeau
She was never "in touch" with the military or veterans, so she can't be "out of touch". She despises everyone that serves or has served. My best friend's sister was an E-5 in the communications center at the White House during the last year of the Bush 41 Administration and Clinton's first year or so. She said the derision the Clintons and their staffers had for the military was palpable.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
LTC Tom Barbeau, That makes sense since they were hippies, Bill dodged the draft, and they both protested against the war in Vietnam. How they ever got to where they are now, is beyond me. I can see why Bill had sex scandals. I would consider sleeping with Hillary as like sleeping with a coyote date. When you wake up the next morning, and your arm is under her, you gnaw your arm off so you won't wake her up before getting the hell outta there.
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SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
9 y
SGT (Join to see) - Sergeant; The point is that some people seem to like one person because they used one version of the same theme while they dislike another because they used a different one while, in fact, both of those people were actually saying the same thing (or, if you prefer, echoing the same semantically empty cant).
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
Get it! Ding! The light bulb came on. Thanks again COL Ted Mc.
SSG Eddie “JD” Brown
SSG Eddie “JD” Brown
9 y
She is actually Scarrier than hitler is both looking and for our future tho trump if he gets into office i fear his racisms will
Set us back many years! Possibly causing massive riots in the streets!
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
9 y
SSG Eddie “JD” Brown - Sergeant; Do you mean that Ms. Clinton intends to invade Poland and then start exterminating the Jews? If not, exactly what do you mean by "scarier than Hitler"?

You get the candidates that you allow to be nominated and you get to take your pick from that "select" group. If you don't have any input into who gets nominated (or gets to run for the nomination) exactly what sort of a choice do you have?

If you don't get involved in the process whereby people come forward to seek the nomination, how much input do you have into who gets nominated?

If the same "class" of people - effectively - controls the process whereby people come forward to seek the nomination, does you picking between "pre-selected" candidates who are always going to be more beholding to those who were responsible for them becoming candidates than you were, who do you think those people are going to be acting most in the best interests of?

In short, you are always going to get the type of government (and legislators) that you allow those who participate in the mechanics of selection (not simply the act of voting) chose for you.

The options are simple:

[1] Get involved early and right through the whole process; or
[2] Live with the type of government (and legislators) you allow to "represent you".

If you are involved early and right through the whole process, you can continue to advocate for the type of government (and legislators) you want - even if you "lose" an election. If you aren't, then you have already received (been punished by receiving) the type of government (and legislators) you are content to have.
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SSG Warren Swan
HRM is as "in touch" with anyone as any other politician or "professional liar" could be. Do you have money? Do you have a famous last name? Do you run or own a large business? Can you make million dollar donations to my SuperPAC? If so, we (ALL) want to hear from you. Note nowhere in there did I mention Did you serve your country (No being a "professional" Liar in office does not count)? Do you have all of your limbs or mind working? Are you working in a position that requires you to bust your ass for long periods of time for pennies on the dollar possibly away from home for years at a time? Did you put the interests of others before yours and want to see others succeed? Are you stuck with some of the worst "caregivers" this side of the equator? If so we really DO NOT want to hear from you. But to those politicians on both sides of the coin, it's ok Bruh. You don't owe me sh*t that I didn't earn the hard way.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
SSG Warren Swan, I just looked up her lists of interests, which is lengthy. I looked up the "veterans interests" she supposedly says she has. A big BS on that. This is all it said about her interests in us, and this is recently.

On MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show on October 23, 2015, Maddow asked Clinton about the controversy over Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) patients that have been backlogged and put on secret waiting lists while waiting for an appointment.[253][254] An audit by the VA Inspector General in 2014 found that 57,000 veterans had waited more than 90 days for their scheduled appointments, and that approximately 70 percent of VA facilities maintained secret, off-the-books waiting lists of patients.[253] In response, Clinton acknowledged that there were problems, "but it’s not been as widespread as it has been made out to be" she said.[253][254] "There have been a number of surveys of veterans, and overall, veterans who do get treated are satisfied with their treatment," adding, "Nobody would believe that from the coverage that you see and the constant berating of the VA that comes from the Republicans, in part, in pursuit of this ideological agenda that they have."[253][254] Clinton said that recent efforts to speed up treatment for veterans should be given a chance to work, but that VA health reforms may need a “SWAT team” to ensure accountability.[254][255].
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Col Joseph Lenertz
She is the closest thing this nation has to Party Apparatchik Elite. She has no moral conflict with sending her "inferiors" to their death if it brings her more wealth and power. Why would she "order" military people in the White House to NOT wear their uniforms? Ask yourself why.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
She thinks she's another Mother Teresa, and everyone is love with her. If they only realized she's a user, it would be different for her.
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SSG Eddie “JD” Brown
She is an idiot a liar and careless wirh regulations! NOT someone who shall lead anyone much less the Nation!
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MSG Intelligence Senior Sergeant/Chief Intelligence Sergeant
"What difference does it make?" She waves her arms around and the American people forget the whole thing. She must be an agent from men in black.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
I hope they continue forgetting MSG (Join to see).
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SSG Lee Williams
She has never been in touch with veterans.
SFC Infantry Senior Sergeant
Mrs. Clinton is totally out of touch with veterans. She along with several more in office could care less about veterans or placing them in harm's way. As a true politician she will say or do anything refence veterans to get the public to render her their vote. Once in office, the mere thought of veterans is the least thing on their mind. A prime example is the projected raise for the military this coming year. Most veterans that are deployed are having to pay someone to come to their home to repair things or even lawn maintenance because they are not there to take care of those items. That costs extra money. The members of Congress get an automatic raise every year. A BIG raise at that. Did they even consider the hardships for the veteran or his family while he is deployed? NO, flat no. We need to clean house in Washington D.C.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
What we need is someone who doesn't lie, are more in tune and participate in serious problems like the VA and other veterans interests. Maybe a trained monkey or a robot would work. What we have are politicians who don't care about anything except their own agenda. Someone like...Hillary, who is the queen of agendas that don't have anything to do with low life's like veterans.
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Cpl Software Engineer
She hates the military and always has. Out of touch? Understatement!
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
Out of anything to do with anything about what the voters really want.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
9 y
SGT (Join to see) I'm thinking her supporters want a sheep dog to herd them around by the nose ring, because they are incapable of rational, independent thought.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
Cpl (Join to see), She blows so much smoke up her supporter butts, , they don't stand a chance to think for themselves. Also their motto resembles the Marine motto. Once a Democrat, always a Democrat.
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SFC Dr. Joseph Finck, BS, MA, DSS
SGT (Join to see) The Honorable Senator / Secretary Clinton is out of touch with Veterans, average citizens, law enforcement, gun owners, and most of the human race. She splatters vituperations and slanders the persons who have died so she may continue to bloviate.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
SFC Dr. Joseph Finck, BS, MA, DSS, Yeah, what you said. I think she's full of herself and crap. Is that close to what you described? Lol
SFC Dr. Joseph Finck, BS, MA, DSS
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