Posted on Oct 28, 2015
After reading this post do you think Hillary Clinton is out of touch with veterans?
Hillary Clinton demonstrated how out of touch she is with veterans’ issues when she went on some guy’s show on MSNBC and told Raymond, or Rachel, or whatever his name is that “issues within the VA have “not been as widespread as it has been made out to be”” according to CNN. John McCain shot back;
“I don’t know what Hillary Clinton’s view of what ‘widespread’ is but facts are stubborn things,” the 2008 Republican presidential nominee said on a conference call with reporters.
McCain also took issue with Clinton’s claim that Republicans have made the VA partisan and want to use it to privatize the VA. In doing so, McCain noted that he worked with her Democratic rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, to pass a VA reform bill.
“Now Hillary Clinton, in her blind ambition, has injected partisanship into the VA issue and that is disgraceful,” he said. “She owes an apology.”
“I don’t know what Hillary Clinton’s view of what ‘widespread’ is but facts are stubborn things,” the 2008 Republican presidential nominee said on a conference call with reporters.
McCain also took issue with Clinton’s claim that Republicans have made the VA partisan and want to use it to privatize the VA. In doing so, McCain noted that he worked with her Democratic rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, to pass a VA reform bill.
“Now Hillary Clinton, in her blind ambition, has injected partisanship into the VA issue and that is disgraceful,” he said. “She owes an apology.”
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 29
I was living in Watertown NY (Ft. Drum, NY) back in the 90s when the Clinton's decided that they wanted to push Hilary into the senatorial "spot light". I was 16 (ish) years old then and having had the brief oportunity to speak to her I can tell you with 100% certainty that the only interests that this woman ever has had in the forefront of her mind have always been her own. She doesn't care about the military, veterans, the police, fire fighters, medical personnel, etc. unless we meet a need to an end. She has never served her country and was wishy-washy (at best) during any time she spent in a government position. She's a lier and she has zero ability to tell right from wrong, which, I might add, is something even my 4 year old understands.
SGT (Join to see)
PO3 Maria Flasher, Thank you so much for your candid views about her. You fulfilled everything many of us feel about her. Thanks again.
PO3 Maria Flasher
SGT Keith Bodine, With all due respect I don't feel that any thanks was necessary. I have never been one to be candid with my opinions and very strongly believe that it is the duty of every American citizen to firm an opinion, regardless of their indifference to the issues at hand, of their sleeved officials. If we never question a person's intentions then what right have we to complain when the inevitable face palm meets us square between the eyes? I simply refuse to be blind or deaf to this particular person's obvious lack of qualifications to given so much as a chicken farm.
Well no surprise here SGT (Join to see) since we are talking about the master of deceiving about what is going on in her mind. While she is a brilliant strategist Hillary Rodham Clinton has been hamstrung at key points in her career by circumstances out of her control. She has been able to cover up her emotions while her husband the Presidential philanderer so putting on a professional act in front of Congress is sheer child''s play for her. :-)
SGT (Join to see)
She is a different breed LTC Stephen F.. She goes out of her way to be a butthead.
LTC Tom Barbeau
Hillary Clinton suffers from E.D. ( Excessive Dishonesty). I don't think there are any little blue pills that will cure that.
SSG Eddie “JD” Brown
In ither words she can lie right to your face without any emotional response or even a flinch we call that in my field a sociopath with pyscopathic tendancies!
SGT (Join to see)
Yeah, that ticked me off too. I wish her defiance would come back to bite her in the butt.
SGT (Join to see)
I don't know who Hillary is trying to win over, but it's sure as hell not us veterans.
I don't know who Hillary is trying to win over, but it's sure as hell not us veterans.
SGT (Join to see)
PO1 John Miller, I know she is trying win over the females, gays, transsexuals, and cross dressers. I haven't heard her say anything positive about us vets. I'm not sure if she's even said anything. Whatever it was was, it must have not been positive.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
SGT (Join to see) - Obvious amnesia only affects conservatives.

“When I'm President, I will continue this work and this record. I will summon the resources and will of this nation to give our veterans the gold standard health care, earned benefits, and support they deserve. Our veterans have served America – and it is time that America served our veterans. I will start first by ensuring that my Veterans ...
PO1 John Miller
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Did Hillary really do all that or is it more lies on her part? Sniper fire, etc.?
Did Hillary really do all that or is it more lies on her part? Sniper fire, etc.?
Hillary Clinton is the last person on this planet that should be a President of our Country. She screwed up with the Benghazi fiasco and now this. Yes, she is way of base when it comes to Veterans Issues. S/F, JK
Wouldn't it be awesome if Monica wow take out her lil blue dress and wear it around town for a few days?
She is only spewing something that has been fed to her.
I seriously doubt that she, or any other politician, has any real clue what is happening at any VA clinic, hospital or other establishment.
I seriously doubt that she, or any other politician, has any real clue what is happening at any VA clinic, hospital or other establishment.
PO1 Glenn Boucher
SGT Keith Bodine, your correct, and the downside is that being next year is an election year again were going to see more politicians acting as if they even know what VA stands for besides 2 letters in the alphabet.
She was never in touch with the military in the first place. Making a statement like that is beyond contempt and ignorant of facts. Spoken like a true recipient of the $600 haircut who can shut down an establishment to get to the front of the line.
CW3 Guy Snodgrass
In my opinion, she and several other politicians, have never been "in touch" with the military.
SGT (Join to see)
The only reason it's mentioned is because someone asked the question. Our VA Secretary doesn't seem to have a handle on any of the problems yet. It's still the old waiting for us to die to get out of their hair.
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