Posted on Oct 28, 2015
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
Hillary Clinton demonstrated how out of touch she is with veterans’ issues when she went on some guy’s show on MSNBC and told Raymond, or Rachel, or whatever his name is that “issues within the VA have “not been as widespread as it has been made out to be”” according to CNN. John McCain shot back;

“I don’t know what Hillary Clinton’s view of what ‘widespread’ is but facts are stubborn things,” the 2008 Republican presidential nominee said on a conference call with reporters.

McCain also took issue with Clinton’s claim that Republicans have made the VA partisan and want to use it to privatize the VA. In doing so, McCain noted that he worked with her Democratic rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, to pass a VA reform bill.

“Now Hillary Clinton, in her blind ambition, has injected partisanship into the VA issue and that is disgraceful,” he said. “She owes an apology.”
Posted in these groups: Imgres Hillary ClintonLnvhr8ed CNN
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 29
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Privatizing the VA would be the goal of the Republicans, I can't say that would be good for the veterans.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
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1SG First Sergeant
IT is not just Clinton that is out of touch with Vets, it is the Democratic party as a whole.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
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And I don't understand that when you look at all of Democratic veterans from WWII , Korea, and Vietnam. You would think that would be number one on their agenda, despite Obama, 1SG (Join to see).
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
>1 y
Democratic party is out of touch with the vets? What planet are you from?
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Capt Seid Waddell
She has a very slippery relationship with the truth.
Capt Seid Waddell
Capt Seid Waddell
>1 y
SGT (Join to see), it is my belief that they see it as a contest between "my team" and the "other team", and the truth doesn't get involved. There is no way they could support her if they cared about the truth.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
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Capt Seid Waddell, I'm not sure they have enough common sense to see through her. My father in law was a devout Democrat. My wife and I have talked about which side he would vote for. He died before he could witness all of this insanity going on.
Capt Seid Waddell
Capt Seid Waddell
>1 y
SGT (Join to see), my point exactly. They do not choose to see beyond the D or R after the name.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
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Capt Seid Waddell, It's really confusing to me when someone doesn't use common sense and dives into the dark water without knowing how deep it is. It's ludicrous.
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Capt Mark Strobl
Hillary's realm is kinda like that slogan PlayStation: Lives in her world; Plays in ours.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
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That's a great analogy Capt Mark Strobl.
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SP5 Joel McDargh
She is not so much out of touch as she really does not care. This lady has her own agenda, and it is not good. She lied about findings on Watergate as she lies now.
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CSM Michael J. Uhlig
The true SITREP was probably in one of the emails her staffer didn't send to her.....Good job Senator John McCain for calling her out on this issue.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
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SSG Michael Scott
He'll yeah.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
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SSG Michael Scott, You spelled Hell wrong but I get your drift. I agree. (-:
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SFC Joseph Weber
Rallybook is going to explode if Hilary wins. Man.
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Cpl Chris Rice
Edited >1 y ago
This response does not meet my personal standards for my own conduct and thus I have removed its contents. Please accept my apologies, I was working, and attempting to finish a heavy course load, and was using this site to vent. This is not make poor and unprofessional statements excusable; this is just the situation, I will take pause before I post in the future.
Cpl Chris Rice
Cpl Chris Rice
>1 y
This response does not meet my personal standards for my own conduct and thus I have removed its contents. Please accept my apologies, I was working, and attempting to finish a heavy course load, and was using this site to vent. This is not make poor and unprofessional statements excusable; this is just the situation, I will take pause before I post in the future.
Cpl Chris Rice
Cpl Chris Rice
>1 y
This response does not meet my personal standards for my own conduct and thus I have removed its contents. Please accept my apologies, I was working, and attempting to finish a heavy course load, and was using this site to vent. This is not make poor and unprofessional statements excusable; this is just the situation, I will take pause before I post in the future.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Cpl Chris Rice, I know for a fact that John McCain proposed that way before Clinton did. She's trying to backtrack by not saying anything about the vets by proposing bills that have already been proposed. She's a liar, she fabricates when she is talking about the VA and veterans. If you really want to pull for a Democrat, choose Bernie Sanders. He has mentioned every time he can, the problems with the VA and what he would like to be done about it. I'm tired of our back and forth. You have your beliefs, I have mine. The End, Over, Move On Trooper.
Cpl Chris Rice
Cpl Chris Rice
>1 y
With all that Senators Sanders and McCain have done they have not been able to get a discussion going, Sec. Clinton did; not out of her consideration, but because her opposition saw it as an opportunity to attack, not out of support for veterans issues. I do not really see how this is back and forth you have failed at every corner to understand my point about wanting sincere support from the populace for veterans issues, not just as a comeback to Sec. Clinton from political candidates. All of the discussion in this campaign about veterans has been in comparison with illegal immigrants by Trump, and just a lot of grandstanding without planning in general. I never said she was the poster child, I said that her involvement started the conversation, which had not started without her in this campaign. Even so it is not the conversation that needs to happen; at any level.

If you are ready to be done conversing with me that is fine, my initial response was poorly written (could be taken as a personal attack to you; meant more to the general populace, and the article apologies), but I am not sure what you expected when you posted the question; that nobody would answer, or when you replied to my answer that I would not defend or attempt to clarify my position. I wish people would quit acting like this is the equivalent of cyberbullying here on RP, this is how an internet discussion board works. I do not see how blocking me after you replied is at all an appropriate use of that tool.

Last thing I will say, and you are more than welcome to the last word if you so please, I will leave it be. My posts while possibly (or usually) are poorly written, I am talking to people who can respond. I can tell everybody how illegal immigrants are bad for this country and what they should do, but there are no illegal immigrants on this site (At least most likely); however there are people who express opinions that I disagree with; whose argument should I refute? The one addressed to the person who may read it, or the one of those who will never read it? It is like the guy who posts the anti-gun control meme on Facebook, but he has removed all his pro-gun control friends, so he is just stroking his own ego, because he will receive likes, applause, and no push back.
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