Posted on Aug 2, 2024
CPT Aaron Kletzing
Hey everyone, can anyone give advice to a friend of mine? We don’t have tons of details here regarding his dad’s service. Mainly because he’s now in declining health that includes challenges with mental sharpness/Alzheimers/dementia type of stuff. He was in the Army during the Vietnam era for a few years. I don’t think he did a full 20 to get to retirement. I also think he was stateside in terms of where he was assigned; I dont think he deployed to the war. My question for you all is this — where would be the best place for my friend to start to understand any benefits that his dad may be eligible for? Specifically around at home care, hospital care, infirmary, or anything else that may be relevant here? Thanks for any advice here, and sending my love and respect to you all.
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Responses: 9
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Any VSO that is local can assist with providing information; even a call to the VA can clear up the fog of available resources. And, if your friends' Dad is not enrolled in the VA system, that can be easily completed. Also, see if there is a Veterans Home near by. They, too, can clear up any fog.
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
3 mo

CPT Aaron Kletzing I would suggest that your friend make an appointment with the State's Veterans Service Office* (it's called different things in different states) to ensure that all of the state's resources are also examined. You'll be able to use them for both the state and federal (i.e., VA) benefits he is eligible for or just the state if they use another VSO for the VA benefits.

For the VA, they have a summary page* that covers Vietnam Veterans with links to the various benefits the father may be eligible for as well as one* that applies to all veterans.
* VA page with link to the state's Veterans Affairs Offices –
* VA summary page for Vietnam Veterans -
* VA summary page for all veterans -
* VA Veteran Pension -
CPT Aaron Kletzing
CPT Aaron Kletzing
3 mo
COL Randall C. thanks so much!
CPT Aaron Kletzing
CPT Aaron Kletzing
3 mo
MSG (Join to see) really appreciate it, thanks!
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SrA John Monette
Contact your state’s Veterans Affairs Department. Or any Veterans organization. Also, the nearest Veterans hospital will be able to assist
CPT Aaron Kletzing
CPT Aaron Kletzing
3 mo
SrA John Monette thanks for your help on this!
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
3 mo
CPT Aaron Kletzing always happy to help a fellow Veteran, Their family, and their friends
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SGT Robert Urbaniak
I would contact the DAV, as they will help you even if your not a member.
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What advice do you have for a friend whose Vietnam vet father is in declining health and has no idea what benefits he may be eligible for?
CPT Lawrence Cable
My father-in-law was a draftee, an ambulance driver. never deployed overseas and was in a period not considered wartime. We go him in touch with an Advocate that got him signed up, got him hearing aids, and provided in home care for him.
Your state should have a department that deals with Vets. This state runs Veterans Homes that are well cared for and usually easier to get into that a Federal facility.
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
3 mo
CPT Aaron Kletzing - motioned above, but here* it is.
* VA page with link to your state’s Departments of Veterans Affairs Office –
CPT Aaron Kletzing
CPT Aaron Kletzing
3 mo
COL Randall C. thanks a ton for your help as always!
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
3 mo
CPT Aaron Kletzing - Out of my Region. Contact your local DAV rep, they will get you pointed in the right direction.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 mo
For ALL We VETS: Suggestion ~ Copy & Paste To Your Computer Files..
Because You WILL Be Told Several Things In Error ~
"You Must Us The VA Your Assigned Too" (Vets Are NOT Assign To Any Facility) ~~
"Only If you're Traveling And Out Of Your Own VA Area" ~~ Wrong Again -
Totally Unrestricted...~ Read Below For Clarity, Because If You DON'T Keep This In Files, You're Screwed , But ONLY Because Your VA Simply Does Not Know These Rules & The Vets Right To Be Given We Vets .
~~~~~~~~ THIS Will Provide The Proof You'll Need~~~~~~

~~ My Question Was~~
"Is A Military Veteran Entitled To Care And Supplies,
Through ANY VA Facility, Regardless Of Where He Resides"?
~ The VA's Reply~
Yes, a military veteran can receive medical products from out-of-state VA facilities, even if they are not living there. However, the veteran must be eligible for VA care without needing to enroll or be enrolled in VA health care
1. The eligibility for community care is dependent upon a veteran’s individual health care needs or circumstances 1. In most cases, veterans must receive approval from VA prior to obtaining care from a community provider
1. VA staff members generally make all eligibility determinations 1. Please note that VA is not authorized to ship medications or medical/surgical supply items outside of the U.S. or its territories
2. If you’re a veteran who lives overseas, you remain entitled to the benefits and services you earned through your military service. Most VA benefits are payable regardless of your place of residence or nationality
3. If you’re moving outside the U.S., you’ll need to sign up for the Foreign Medical Program. Through this program, VA will pay for certain needed health care services received in foreign countries to treat a service-connected disability or a disability that’s making a service-connected condition worse 4.
I hope this helps
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SGT Lorenzo Nieto
This person might want to talk to a attorney that knows more about all the benefits he can receive from the va I say this because they wouldn’t lie to.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 mo
I Just Posted Some Important Information Above This Message,
At Our VA Medial Center In North Las Vegas, Nevada ~ Has ACCIDENTALLY Given Me
A Lot Of Incorrect Information, But ONLY Because They Were Repeating What They
Were Told, Unable or Unwilling To Verify Their Information, Or They Simply Didn't Think It Was Necessary ~~ (They Were Of The Belief They Already Knew)
TSgt Infantryman
TSgt (Join to see)
8 d
Contact a DAV office
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SSG Roger Ayscue
Go to the Veterans Service Officer, employed by the county of their residence. They are employed by the County or the state to be your official advocate.
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Cristina Johnson

Your friend has the option to request a copy of the DD214 and other military service records from the National Archives, which will provide detailed information such as:
- The character of discharge (based on your DD214 or other separation documents)
- Duty stations and assignments
- Awards and decorations (medals and decorations)
- Qualifications, licenses, and certificates

He can request these records online, by mail, or by fax.
The VA government website offers comprehensive information on healthcare benefits, disability, and the application process.
Additionally, he should explore the PACT Act, which expands healthcare and benefits for veterans exposed to toxic substances during military service, including those who served in Vietnam and were exposed to Agent Orange. It's worth noting that Parkinson's is listed as an illness potentially caused by Agent Orange exposure.

As a veteran with a history of toxic exposure, who is currently dealing with Parkinson's, he might consider reaching out to an environmental litigation group to inquire about eligibility for filing a claim and seeking compensation.
I hope this information is helpful and can assist in some way.
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SGT Lorenzo Nieto
The problem is trying to get the benefits you are qualified for it’s as if you have to be half dead to get them
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TSgt Infantryman
If VA is no help contact DAV
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