Posted on Feb 6, 2014
SPC Operating Room Specialist
I'm speaking on behalf of what I was told from NCOs back in my first training phase of AIT: is it true by 2016 the Army will start phasing out ACUs & soldiers stateside will be wearing Multicam as well?
Posted in these groups: Acu pattern helmet cover ACU4276e14c UniformsMaskowanie Camouflage
Edited 11 y ago
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Responses: 9
CPT Mike M.
I know the army's been looking into new uniform styles but to the best of my knowledge, no final decision on style of camo has been decided upon, much less a fielding plan with wear out date of ACUs.
CPT Intelligence Exercise Planner
CPT (Join to see)
11 y
Yes, we are civilian led . . . but NOT by congress.  They do have oversite but our orders come from one civilian and he does not sit in congress.
Capt Whitney Davis
Capt Whitney Davis
11 y
Congress, as the representative of the people does have the authority, and the right, to investigate the military's readiness and spending.

You are right, the President has ultimate authority over the military and can change what he likes with executive orders but Congress controls the military's budget and (theoretically, if not in actuality) whether or not we as a country go to war.
SGT Intelligence Analyst
SGT (Join to see)
11 y
I for one really hope we DO leave behind the ACUs and start wearing the multi-cams in Garrison. They look better and make you feel more like a professional soldier.

I have always thought that the current Garrison ACUs were off.

I have not heard anything about them making this move though. I am only hearing about our PTs and the different options they may be changing to.

SFC Communications Chief (S6)
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
Whats in a pattern if by the same design? (FRACU UCP vs FRACU OCP)If professional were what you were going for in a garrison uniform, please stand in line behind MSG Quicks proposal to wear ASU's. I don't recall needing to blend into my office environment and they do in fact cost more. The argument that we need not have 2 separate uniforms for 2 separate duties is what got us the UCP ACU's in the first place.
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SPC Christopher Smith
Edited 11 y ago

Nothing seems to be set in stone, but it looks like Congress wants to reduce spending by having all four services wear a universal camo. Here is a article, the latest I could find on the subject.

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SrA Michael Waldo
I have no clue why every branch went ape shit to set themselves apart in the first place. We're all supposed to be brothers and sisters in arms. Having different uni's breeds indifference among the feeble minded. The AF was off by a LONG SHOT with the ABU pattern. I stood at post in Iraq donned in ABUs, with a desert camo flak vest cover and a BDU helmet cover. I suppose to a potential enemy, I looked like the least useful person to target OR the biggest dip shit that needed nothing more than a katyusha rocket to the face lol. Camo for concealment is basically no longer needed unless your AFSC/MOS entails recon. We come in throngs of chain smoking, dip spitting, barbarians with every combat occupation carrying a load out containing enough firepower to mow down a small city. I realize guerilla warfare is the new norm, but we don't generally sneak in to areas. We let everyone know we're coming by way of C-130s, helicopters, and armored vehicles. Then we trample and burn to ashes everything standing in our path until we find a nice place to set up camp, where we sit stagnant, armed to the teeth and await our foes to muster the testicular fortitude to attempt an engagement. And when they are too slow to act, we just pummel their strongholds until they're forced to fight or flee.

Shit, once DARPA finally invents drones that autonomously seek out and destroy IED's, we won't even need MRAPs lol. No clue why "active-camo" is being researched more fervently than IED sniffing drones.
1SG Graphic Designer
1SG (Join to see)
11 y
Its funny because we can hide a HMMWV in the wood line but once someone sees a glimpse of that horrible color/pattern of that awful uniform the gig is up. We're better off rolling in a mud hole to hide that monstrosity of a "camouflage". As for, " I realize guerrilla warfare is the new norm, but we don't generally sneak in to areas", the Army is not looking for ground pounders anymore. They want technical soldiers to fill the ranks and MOS's other than the 19D's and 11B's. I foresee them cutting a lot of us by 2020 and using more drones for recon/intel. The Army will not roll the main element blind and drones are a lot cheaper to maintain than a scout platoon/troop and risks no lives. Same with the infantry guys, its a lot easier to get a drone in an AO and take out a target. Yeah, it might be expensive but as we have witnessed the drone strikes are effective and saves the chance of human error. But that is just my train of thought. 
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