Posted on Sep 23, 2015
Is it wrong to be fired over a private text message?
Responses: 6
Private? What's that? Insubordination and/or threatening communications have always been just cause for termination as a disrespectful nature seldom makes for a good workplace. The powerful TED Talk explains why seemingly "private" texts are not:
When online shaming spirals out of control
Twitter gives a voice to the voiceless, a way to speak up and hit back at perceived injustice. But sometimes, says Jon Ronson, things go too far. In a jaw-dropping story of how one un-funny tweet ruined a woman's life and career, Ronson shows how online commenters can end up behaving like a baying mob -- and says it's time to rethink how we interact online.
If you are on YOUR personal phone on your PERSONAL time, no. If you're "brave" enough to engage in questionable text messages on a government or business provided phone, you take your chances. Now if your phone is routed through a personal email/text/whatever you want server at your house, with monitors who are paid enough not to snitch, your chances of survival are pretty good.
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