Posted on Sep 19, 2015
Why is everyone so hostile on RallyPoint?
Take a chill pill folks.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 30
SGT(P) Crystal Marie Gray-Wallace Everyone usually is pretty good on RP. It could be a "Bad hair day" for some. If there is somebody that is bothering you are that is upsetting you then you have the option of "blocking" them (or) you can cancel their connection on your "Contacts" page. I hope they have a better day.
your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries, go away before I taunt you again!
1LT William Clardy
Monty Python - Holy Grail French Taunting
Footage from the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. John Cleese delivers hilarious taunts while playing a Frenchman in a castle... "No chance, English be...
SGT(P) Crystal Marie Gray-Wallace
Is this because my Last name is France? Lol. I promise I am not French.
SrA Zack Weber
Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I'm being repressed!
Sometimes folks make posts that invoke feelings. It may be hostile, or they may not. I know in one post I replied to, it could seem that I was to the poster but I wasn't. I was caught in my feelings and it came out here. You could one day be caught the same way, and you're not being hostile at all, but that post just struck a nerve. I don't dislike anyone on here no matter if I agreed with you or not and I never will vote you down for your opinion. We're all equal and should be treated as such. Now if you freely and openly admit that you're a Cowboys fan, THEN I will have no choice but to get medieval on your buttocks and inform you of your cardinal mistake. #HTTR4EVER
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