Posted on Sep 12, 2015
Should field expedient demolition training be required for Cavalry Scouts again?
When I first became a Cavalry scout in 1996, I was taught how to defeat point type obstacles using field expedient bangalore torpedos and pop and drops. Its been over ten years since I last saw this training happen for scouts, should it come back to our training plans?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 17
It should have never left. When I was a young scout those basic learning traits help me easily start thinking outside the box and be more effective with the less I had. Scouts have to train as experts in all fields. I think, What makes us older guys a little more effective is, we always trained and fought knowing the only support we had was each other and didn't rely on other MOS's, for the most part. Generally speaking... Plus, who doesn't want to blow shit up!!!
You never know when demolitions may come in handy. Especially in a screen line or covering force mission.
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