For this weeks submission, I'm throwing out something a little different. I'm not sure how many comic fans we have out there, but anyone who is familiar with the X-men "should" recognize the name Chris Claremont. After Stan Lee, he was the inventive mind behind the X-men for almost 30 years.
This book (3 book series) is about an Air Force pilot in the "Space Age" and is definitely worth a read.
http://www.amazon.com/First-Flight-Chris-Claremont/dp/ [login to see] /ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid= [login to see] &sr=1-1&keywords=first+flight+chris+claremont
This book (3 book series) is about an Air Force pilot in the "Space Age" and is definitely worth a read.
http://www.amazon.com/First-Flight-Chris-Claremont/dp/ [login to see] /ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid= [login to see] &sr=1-1&keywords=first+flight+chris+claremont
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 1
Respond to original question...I've always been a fan of Claremont. His stories typically had the depth that hooked my attention and kept me coming back for more. Even if his stories got so convoluted with plots within plots within plots, they were enjoyable. I friend of mine who was also a fan of Claremont's X-Men told me about his book series. I have the first book but never finished it. I just couldn't get into it back then as a teenager. Perhaps now that I am considerably older, I may enjoy the series. Thanks for posting this, I am going to grab my old copy and see if I can get through it this time.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
He & George Lucas also did a sequel (trilogy) to Willow in book form. It was outstanding.
http://www.amazon.com/Shadow-Moon-Chronicles-War-Book/dp/ [login to see]
http://www.amazon.com/Shadow-Moon-Chronicles-War-Book/dp/ [login to see]

Shadow Moon (Chronicles of the Shadow War, Book 1): Chris Claremont: 9780553572858: Amazon.com:...
Shadow Moon (Chronicles of the Shadow War, Book 1) [Chris Claremont] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. From two of the greatest imaginations of our time comes a magnificent novel of adventure and magic...SHADOW MOON: First in the Chronicles of the Shadow War. The genius of Star Wars(r) creator George Lucas and the vision of Chris Claremont
SSG Michael Hathaway
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS Ah yes, I have read that first book, it was great. I can definitely read the influence Lucas had in particular parts. Mainly because Claremont's plotlines are more intense while being subdued making the reader think about what's going on behind the scenes.
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