Posted on Apr 5, 2014
How can the DOD and VA best care for the military community with mental illness?
This quote in the Dallas Tribune Op-Ed yesterday is worth discussing: "Mental illness rarely manifests in mass killing, but mass killing often results from mental illness."
My nonprofit, Project Sanctuary, directly serves our military population with this diagnosis. What other organizations have you observed are helping? How are they helping?

What the military must determine and resolve is how its internal culture has been altered by 13 years of active war footing, the only status most of its troops know.
Edited 11 y ago
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 5
Probably the only long term way to get care for our brothers and sisters in arms - is for prior members to get active in the government. We are again at time when members of congress and senate who have had no military background are the majority. Unless more get involved - our voices will remain unheeded and the care and funding needed will remain miniscule at best. Our members that have fought before us and those that continue to this day deserve better than this - the military is the nation's red-headed step child (unless something happens) and are treated as such. As soon as a crisis or war has ended and things get back to normalcy everyone forgets their promises to the veterans, retirees, and those that have suffered some type of physical and/or mental injury. Unfortunately, history keeps repeating itself in this respect.
LTC Jason Strickland
James, well said! I completely agree with our lack of veteran representation in government / politics.
SPC David S.
In regards to history repeating itself one of my biggest concerns is an increase in homeless vets. Military only account for a little less than 1% of US population (2010 npr) yet disperportanatly account for 12% of all homeless (national coalition for homeless veterans). Maybe when 12% of the general population become homeless something will get done
Funny you should ask. I recently reached out to the local chapter manager for The Soldiers Project. With in 5 minutes she responded. I have since sent two additional emails about structure, funding, and recruiting of heath care provides as they offer free mental health services not only to service members but their families as well. Haven't heard a thing since. Sir I'm not sure where your located but if I don't hear back from her I'm interested if your in the Chicago area or interested in being in the Chicago area. I have a number of friends from Rangers to Green Berets dealing with PTSD. I don't have a psychology background but I do have an MBA and consider myself a critical thinker that can resolve difficult questions. Just looking for an opportunity to address our military's wounded needs.
I just heard back from The Soldiers Project. The person heading the local chapter has only been doing this for a month. She ask me to attend a function she has planned next month to meet and come up with a game plan. Would it be OK with you sir if I reach out to you to share information and or resources since our objectives and mission are somewhat aligned.
LTC Jason Strickland
SPC David S., you can certainly reach out to me. That's what we're doing here at RallyPoint - collaborating to help our military / veteran community.
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