Posted on Mar 31, 2014
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
<p>I would love to slap each cast member of that terrible movie.&nbsp;&nbsp; The characterizations of the military are at best offense.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I know it is comedy but it is not funny.&nbsp;&nbsp; Not funny when a Vietnam Veterans was bleeding out by powerful squirts of blood that seemed to last for about one half-hour.</p><p><br></p><p>I finally had to turn away from this mockery because each minute aggravated me and degraded the members of that war!&nbsp;&nbsp;What is your take and what would you rate it on a scale of 1-10?</p>
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Responses: 9
SGM Matthew Quick
Very funny movie!  I actually like when movies poke fun at the military.

Hell, I like watching 'Enlisted' on Fridays...good times!
SFC Communications Chief (S6)
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11 y
I think my wife will soon ban me from watching that show with her. I find it hard to stop making uniform corrections. for 2 weeks or so I could've sworn their unit patch had the patriots symbol on it. 
SGT Training Nco
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11 y
I thought is was retarded... I laugh a few times... Its just dry entertainment...
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SFC Physical Security Program Manager
I agree with the below, I dont see it as making fun of the military more like satire of the film industry. To beat down this movie for featuring veterans is in my opinion overreaching. If that is the case to dislike this movie you'd also have to hate Stripes (makes fun of basic training and those going through), Delta Farce (Makes fun of the National Guard), In The Army Now (makes fun of the National Guard as well) and any other movie or TV show that has veterans or comedy related to or at the expense of the veteran community.

We have lost the ability to laugh at ourselves, we all see these people in our respective branches of service, and you know you have. Some folks need to stop taking EVERYTHING so seriously and learn to laugh a little. Its been medially proven to help mental health.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
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11 y

Well I have to respectfully disagree.   If you lived in that era and people did the things they did to Veterans and our families then it becomes personal.    The idea of parody is lost on me because in this case it was absurd.    Stripes is well-received because it knew when to quit.   Tropic Thunder did not.

The parody of the homeless veteran illustrates this point very well.   This is the picture we  get of Vietnam Veterans.  On the otherhand 'Coming Home'  with Jon Voight makes some pretty good points.    People who came home in body bags or maimed and trying to pick up the pieces,  may not feel like giggling.

I know of a Korean Veteran who basically lives in his car.   The car is full of garbage,  so much so that he has just enough room to drive.   He feels forgotten and has become bitter.  This is true of many in that generation.   Feeling forgotten and many of our own people contributing to these perceptions.

SFC Physical Security Program Manager
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11 y
Well we shall agree to disagree on this subject. And "Coming Home" lost any chance a validity when it chose to co star Jane Fonda.

Vietnam Vets still hold her responsible for her actions. And I will leave it at that.
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SSG C Ied & Irw Instructor
<p>I viewed it in a different way, I saw it making fun of an industry that knows nothing about real warfare, and I saw it take a stab at those who pretend to be what they are not (Stolen Valor).</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The movie if taken at face value, is pretty hilarious.&nbsp; Any movie that can be quoted in multiple scenarios for humor purposes is a win for me.&nbsp; That and as much as I despise Tom Cruise his role in the movie was hilarious.&nbsp; I've always wondered if some of his quotes from that movie would be good enough to use as a Drill Sergeant:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>"Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down in a Godly &amp;@^#&amp;# firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the *&amp;#&amp;@**@ United Nations and get a &amp;#&amp;@#(@#* binding resolution to keep me from *@&amp;@*@* destroying you. I'm talking about a scorched earth, mother*@*@**r! I will massacre you! I WILL *@*@ YOU UP!"</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><br><br><i><a href=""></a></i>&nbsp;</p><div class="pta-link-card"><div class="pta-link-card-picture"><img src=""></div><div class="pta-link-card-content"><div class="pta-link-card-title"><a href="" target="_blank">Nick Nolte</a></div><div class="pta-link-card-description">Nick Nolte, Actor: The Thin Red Line. Nick Nolte was born in Omaha, Nebraska and began his career on stage at the Pasadena (California) Playhouse and in regional theatre productions. His breakthrough ...</div></div><div style="clear: both;"></div><div class="pta-box-hide"><i class="icon-remove"></i></div></div>
SFC Communications Chief (S6)
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11 y
That is quite possibly my favorite Tom Cruise role. 
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