Posted on Mar 30, 2014
Where and when did you attend PNCOC/PLDC/WLC?
I attended PLDC in June 1999 in Fort Leonard Wood, MO...the new barracks had just opened and we were the first ones to occupy them; single person rooms with a shared bathroom/kitchenette. What a life!<br><br>I was conditionally promoted to SGT, so I felt the extra pressure of passing everything...the first time!<br><br>Funny Story: We had a lights out curfew at 2000, but we all had TVs in our rooms and I was watching the NBA Finals and I hear a knock on my window (first floor) instructor called me outside (they were allowed in our barracks; strange) and told me to turn the damn TV off and go to bed. I heard a little more the next day, but it was worth it.
Edited 11 y ago
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 151
I attended PLDC in April of 2003 at Fort Benning, Ga. There was mold growing from the vents of the heating system and nothing you did seem to make it go away. We didn't have doors in our two man rooms and marched to class everyday. Drill and Ceremonies was evaluated and you couldn't pass the course unless you skillfully passed the Land Nav course. The good 'ol days.
SSG David Doughty
I also went to PLDC at Fort Benning (where I was assigned) but I attended the course in 1991. I was promoted to SGT while deployed during Desert Storm and went to PLDC shortly after we returned to Georgia. Good times!
I attended PLDC in Graffenwoehr, Germany from August 1996-September 1996. I did very well with all of the training and graduated as Honor Graduate. I was glad that academic score was 1st on list, as I had 98.5%. Had PT been the most important, this would not have transpired as such, LOL! It was incredible training and I have 0 % doubt about that was why I became a good NCO (some of my soldiers later told me I was "the best" or "among the best", but it all works for me! Thanks. DOC Hill
SGT James Colbert
PLDC FT KNOX ...3rd hardest land nav course in the Army in the late 90s . high washout rate for land nav
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