Posted on Aug 12, 2015
Did you know we already had women serving in combat roles?
Responses: 6
They had women in MiTT, ETT, and PRT teams. And although MP's aren't considered "front line fighters", when engaged, they have very capable women behind the guns and directing action.
SGT (Join to see) Thanks for posting the article. I find it very interesting and I believe it will be the waive of the future. I'm hoping that the two women trying to become rangers succeed and I hope that Congress will start allowing women into the combat arms. It is about time that we allow women to participate in all MOS and specialties in al the service branches. Everyone should be treated equal. If they can't meet the standards for any particular MOS then they are a "bolo" in that MOS and should be reclassified as such. If they perform and meet standards then they should be considered for all future leadership positions and treated as all other service members for that specialty (promotions, evaluations, physical fitness testing, etc.). There are men and women both that can't make the grade in certain MOS career fields throughout the Army and other services. Treat them like we would anyone else that can't make the mustard in that specialty. Let women in to all combat arms as they want or request and let's move on with one of the greatest militaries on the earth. Keep in mind all of our enemies employ women on the front lines! Let's train and recruit like we fight!
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