Posted on Aug 10, 2015
SGT Ben Keen
With all the talk coming up concerning the future of America because of the Presidential Elections coming up in a year or so, and being a history-nerd, I thought it would be fun and interesting to take a step back and look back to see how we got here.

America was forged in the crucible of combat. From the first days of Jamestown to the conflict we seen today, America has been fighting to establish and/or preserve freedom here and around the world. But we look back at our own history, which early on conflict do you feel helped us secure our own freedom?

Cases can be made for either the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. So what say you RallyPoint, which one do you feel led to our own freedom and helped secure this country?
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Responses: 8
SSG Warren Swan
The Civil War. That war was to become the defining moment that would make or break the US. as a nation. It also set the tone for how the nation was to evolve and unify. So that said, that war to this day still has a lasting and lingering effect, both good and bad.
SGT Ben Keen
SGT Ben Keen
>1 y
Thanks for the great insight SSG Warren Swan.
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Capt Richard I P.
Seven Year's War/French and Indian War, sufficiently weakened the two dominant powers with colonies on the continent to free the colonials to forge their own destiny. (Followed in importance by those other two, in order).
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MSgt Robert Pellam
I am going with Civil War on this, and despite wanting to start chucking out other conflicts that the U.S. or even the Colonies waged, I will try to stick to the question and 2 wars mentioned.

After the Revolutionary War, it is true we became the U.S. But it was only a toe hold. While England lost the war, they mostly blamed France for their defeat. Economically we were still quite attached to England after the Revolutionary war, and it took the war of 1812 to actually produce an economic freedom from them.

The Civil War was different. It was us against us. This pushed the Survivability of the U.S. as a whole to the breaking point. The South wanted France and England to intervene. If they had would the U.S. been able to sustain a 4 year war against the Confederacy and England or France? This war proved to the world that the U.S. could mobilize on a large scale, and produce war material in mass amounts. I think Europe recognized this and that is why they stayed out of it.

Also, on a side note. France, under Napolean the 3rd was invading Mexico during the time of the war. After the Civil War, citing the Monroe Doctrine, President Johnson had Sherman and 100K men mobilize to the Mexican Boarder. He then sent a missive to Napolean, telling him the plan. France quickly withdrew all troops form Mexico.

So I submit to you the reader. While we may have one independence from Europe in the Revolutionary War, it was the bloody Civil War that proved to them we were not to be taken lightly.
MSG Floyd Williams
MSG Floyd Williams
>1 y
MSgt Robert Pellam - If we look at all the wars starting with the Revolution War to the present time caused this nation to be the melting pot in the world, it brought people from every walks of life here it happen that way for a purpose.
MSG Floyd Williams
MSG Floyd Williams
>1 y
MSgt Robert Pellam - Something good came out of a ugly situation like anything else in life.
MSgt Robert Pellam
MSgt Robert Pellam
>1 y
MSG Floyd Williams I agree with you again. You are actually giving me a great Idea on a Thesis for History Degree.

How the Wars of the United States united the people into a melting pot. From the Irish regiments in the Revolutionary war, African American Regiments in the Civil war, Japanese-Americans regiments, Navaho Code talkers, Tuskegee Airmen of WW2, and integrated military of today. The military with the help of War has been the for-barer of Integration of the United States.

As you said, something good came of Ugly situations. I know there are Con's to that Thesis statement as not everything was Rosy for all those listed. But in the End, people became more integrated. mmm I am going to look into this deeper. Thanks.
MSG Floyd Williams
MSG Floyd Williams
>1 y
MSgt Robert Pellam - Yes, every ethic group in America dealt with some kind of tragedy, but generations later reaping the benefits from their fore-fathers. I wish you well on your Thesis let me know how you make out with it, history is the map to the future.
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