What does Integrity in the Armed Forces mean to you?

“Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.” -Spencer Johnson
This kind of stuff drives me nuts. I just don't understand why stuff like this is allowed to happen. These individuals cheated on their monthly tests and the results could have proven catastrophic. I understand that things are sometimes difficult, but when dealing with something so significant, why take the chance of cheating. These individuals who cheated could have been called upon to act, and there is a huge potential for them to not be able to perform their required tasks.
I think the thing I am most disgusted with is the fact that so many leaders were involved in this scandal. Based on the numbers, I would have expected someone to be dishonest, maybe even a few, but to have 79 Officers punished for this (and possibly many more that didn't get caught), that is a major failure. Leaders are supposed to uphold and enforce the standard, not help others skirt around the standard.
So for you, integrity is a culture upheld and enforced by the leadership. I would agree that leaders need to have high levels of integrity, and impart that value onto subordinates.