Posted on Aug 7, 2015
RallyPoint Shared Content
The following was *supposedly* posted by a member of the United States Army. What do you think about his message?
Posted in these groups: 1ed105b8 Russia979a8ca4 Ukraine4de5ecdb ConflictUnited states army logo Army
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Responses: 585
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Political statements aren't to be made in uniform.

If you want to make a statement, do so. But don't be a fucking coward and hide your face. Seriously.

I don't care what your views are. I really don't. You're entitled to Free Speech. You're allowed to Protest. But be grown up enough to live with the consequences of your actions.

You know that you're not allowed to make political statements in uniform, or you wouldn't hide your face. Therefore you're a goddamn coward, and I don't want you wearing my uniform.
SPC Daniel Brown
SPC Daniel Brown
2 mo
Sgt Kennedy he's in the Army and don't think he could have passed Marine Basic Training, glad i don't have to worry about watching my back.
CW2 Donald Loughrey
CW2 Donald Loughrey
1 mo
I can't add to this. Its states perfectly how I feel about this excuse for a soldier. Well said Sgt Kennedy.
PO3 John Priest
PO3 John Priest
29 d
SGT Kennedy, with all due respect, I believe you are in error. Please review UCMJ Articles 88 and 117 please, and then tell me that this soldier is in compliance with those regulations. As a Veteran, I am all about the Constitution, Bill of Rights and in particular the 1st Amendment.

However, when you take the oath at least 2 things occur, everything in the UCMJ applies (and trust me I was one of the first that realized "Don't Ask, Don't tell" Don't (and still doesn't) work), right along with some of those Constitutionally guaranteed rights being held in abeyance to maintain order and discipline.

last point....Freedom of Speech does not guarantee Freedom for the Speech you used. Case in point, someone uses a slur to me, my freedom of speech and expression would be to potentially punch them in the nethers... Unfortunately that is also known as Assault and Battery, which is frowned upon by law enforcement.

Is the soldier performing his right to express himself, yes. Is he free from the consequential violation of the UCMJ, absolutely NOT.
SGT Jim Martin
SGT Jim Martin
15 h
I am disappointed that he has on my Combat Patch when I was in Vietnam and still wear proudly today; Although the Coward Gen. Milley also wears it too and i think he should be Courts Martial for the Treasonous thing he did in the Trump Administration. It could have started WW 3. POS.
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Capt Seid Waddell
He needs to find another line of work.
SGT Stephen Tuckier
SGT Stephen Tuckier
4 mo
Yep. When you wear the green tuxedo, you dance where they tell you.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
3 mo
PO1 Don Uhrig -
I Believe The Word "He" Is Also A Generic Term For "Any Group Of People, Regardless Of Sex.,." Example: In Spanish A Group Of Ones Children Are Called "Los Hijo's", And A Boy Is An "Hijo" With The "o'"Making The Determination And A Girl Is An "Hija" Where The "a" Indicates The Feminine Aspect... But Never Refer To Anyone As A "PENDEJO"! ~ Do Ya Understand Gringo? LOL (:-)>
PO1 Don Uhrig
PO1 Don Uhrig
3 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney Not going to argue with your "beliefs". In my life experience a "he" is a man as "she" is a woman and there are those who want to be "they". If I can't tell what a human is identifying as, then I look for an element that I can use as an identifier that does not "trigger" some snowflake. This, "Army member". That was identifiable - assuming the person was for real and didn't buy the uniform from an Army Surplus store. I stand by my short comment that pointed out the assumed gender. Men are not always to blame - there are other genders in the Army who could be to blame.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
1 mo
PO1 Don Uhrig -
It's Not My Belief, It Comes From 80 Years Of Experience And Conversations With Others Throughout Various Parts Of The World. ... USA ~ Living In Panama ~ Spending Time Visiting Japan And Costa Rica, Stationed In South Korea ~ And Living In About 8 Of The United States... I'm Not "Assuming" Any Gender, I'm Stating A Term Which Is Use When Discussing A Group Of People, Which Is Commonly Done In Other Parts Of The World.
As I Stated; In Spanish ~When Literally Translated, "Mis Hijos" Mean "My Sons", But Use As "My Children" ~ Male And Female Combined.... Chuleta Pendejo, Que Va? Que Es Lo Que Pasa Contigo? M I E R D A !
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1SG 1st Sergeant
If this was really a Soldier, I say if you don't want to fight then get out- I'm guessing this person joined for the college money. I see it far to often, want military to fund their college without any obligation of self
SSG George Englert
SSG George Englert
8 mo
The subject post was made 9 years ago, a year after Russia invaded and annexed Crimea. Since then Russia's invasion of Eastern and Northern eastern Ukraine in 2022 escalated the conflict, so the subject post hasn't aged well. Hopefully, the US and our NATO allies are not about to make the same don't mistakes our great-grandparents and grandparents made in Europe 9 decades ago.
CPT Jerry Lucas
CPT Jerry Lucas
4 mo
The main reason I joined at 17 was for the college money and other benefits. Yet, for some strange reason I stayed 21 years and deployed twice. I found a purpose after I joined. I don't think it matters too much why they joined, it's what they accomplish while they're in that matters.
SPC Daniel Rankin
SPC Daniel Rankin
4 mo
I went into the army under he montgomery bill for college, but still went to war in Kuwait, because a tyrant was killing innocent people. I hate tyrants. My job was to rescue people in distress. Hotel 8. That person hiding his face is a coward, that was my first reaction.
2ndLt Engineer Officer
2ndLt (Join to see)
3 mo
If this was really a Soldier, I say if you don't want to fight then get out- I'm guessing this person joined for the college money. I see it far to often, want military to fund their college without any obligation of self
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