Posted on Apr 8, 2024
What's the most ironic task you ever had to complete for your unit?
Mine might be cleaning one, singular rock. My friend and I had to thoroughly wash and scrub the company "rock". This was a 500 lbs. boulder that had the company insigina on it. Command team brought it to Afghanistan. So, of course, we had to make sure it was clean and prepped for customs (Europe - Germany) before we put that sucker back in the connex for transport. Ironic, stupid, wasteful - pretty much all around foolish.
Posted 11 mo ago
Responses: 9
We had this go on daily at Officers Training School in the 1970s....the rock got painted with the squadron colors and stayed that way for 24 hours until another squadron got to it...and then we had to salute the damned thing...
many moons ago before i started flying, our platoon, and by platoon i mean E-4 and below, had to sweep the frost off of the parking lot at the officers club. this was in Germany, in the middle of winter, so the frost did not melt. had to bag it up and throw it in the dumpster. Oh, and we had to do it in MOPP-4.
Was on cigarette butt burial detail in Basic Training. While on P.C., the DS, following after us found a butt, so we had to bury it. After it was put under, the DS asked the PVT in charge what type of a cig butt it was, he couldn't say for sure, so we had to dig it up, find out what it was, then rebury it.
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