Posted on Apr 3, 2024
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
When is enough going to be enough. We get it. Y'all hate them. We see it all day every damn day. Y'all have the right to say it, but we have the right to not be bombarded day after damn day with it.
Posted in these groups: 61c89c28 Donald TrumpF79695b9 Joe Biden2dcac4a3 RallyPoint
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Responses: 26
Cpl Vic Burk
MSG (Join to see) I have lots of things I could post about Biden but I rarely do. Nobody on here is going to change anyone's mind about who they support. Personally I think they both suck as candidates for our next president but nobody else that has a prayer of a chance of winning is running so as I say, "It's voting for the lesser of two evils." They are both liars and crooks.
SP5 Retired
SP5 (Join to see)
6 mo
Cpl Vic Burk More like "the evil of two lessers"
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
6 mo
Cpl Vic Burk Totally agree. I will likely not vote for a presidential candidate - again - because I can not abide the thought of being responsible for putting either of "presumtive" candidates into office. I have never voted for a party, only for/against candidates.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
5 mo
SGT Mary G. - Pray tell me what you objected to during President Trump's tenure in office? I would seriously like to know
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
5 mo
CPT Jack Durish - That would be a long discussion I do not intend to get into. I prefer to characterize people in good ways - if possible.
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CSM Charles Hayden
For the same reason that microphones are not passed around in a crowd!
Every—- has an opinion!!
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
6 mo
...and they all smell the same
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
5 mo
You know my position on all of this and well, I can just imagine the hubris that is going on. In the movie 'RoadHouse' Patrick Swayze said, "Just be nice".
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COL Randall C.
Edited 6 mo ago
*chuckle* You're kidding, right Tom?

Honestly it's like a political Mad Libs - the partisans on the left shout and scream about Trump and the partisans on the right do the same regarding Biden. You could take something and just fill in the blanks and get about as much out of it as 90% of the posts that go in the Political Opinions topic.

Quoting from myself ☺ - this is part of the standard message I've been sending (the first time) to those that are posting the divisive partisan rhetoric to other than the "Political Opinions" topic:

"...partisanship and zealotry is getting out of hand and with the lead up to the 2024 election, it's only getting worse"
"... keep the cage fighting between the different political ideologies from infecting the rest of the platform ..."
"...posts from the ideologues that want to put out the equivalent of "your politics suck more than my politics"..."

Regarding the divisive rhetoric:
● Some post a lot because I guess they are on some holy crusade against the perceived Antichrist.
● Some post because their version of enjoyment is telling someone how much they suck (it's one thing saying how much the candidate sucks, but invariably it moves on to "and if you support him, you suck too!").
● Some post because their political ideology is so interwoven with their sense of self that anything that goes against that political ideology is viewed as an attack on them.
● Some probably even post because, like the Hatfield and McCoys, it's just what they've been doing for so long it's incomprehensible that it should be any other way.

However, you probably have some (a very small percentage) who probably post because they honestly feel they are trying to educate people about what's going on in the government.

All we (as the admins) can do is make sure the cage fighting sticks to the appropriate area and that RallyPoint will implement the changes soon that allows people to 'opt-out' of the ideologues beating each other over the head.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
5 mo
Every time I see their faces, some more than others I feel sick. Unify people. If there was a WW3, then would we be so partisan? Irrespective. COL Randall C. Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen Cpl Vic Burk LTC (Join to see)
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
5 mo
SSgt (Join to see) World War 3 is happening right now Stateside, but President Biden doesn't want to offend The palestinian Nazi Democrat Arab vote. He is afraid of losing. Even in the journalist dinner last week, He made jokes about asking them to.Please help him in the campaign basically to please continue the joe biden fan club reporting instead of being fair and honest. If this were White supremacist Nazis not allowing blacks to go to campus, President Biden would put the 82nd Airborne out there To escort the students to class..But since it's jewish he doesn't care.

CSM Darieus ZaGara Cpl Vic Burk COL Randall C. CWO3 (Join to see) Sgt (Join to see) SFC (Join to see) SGT Mary G.

It's o k to disagree , but when our President and department of justice don't follow laws, We really don't have a USA anymore...
Cpl Vic Burk
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
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