Posted on Mar 14, 2024
Sgt Field Radio Operator
From the VA Website: "If you have a health condition caused by exposure to the herbicide Agent Orange during your service, you may be eligible for VA disability compensation."

If you have not filed a claim or were previously denied, now would be a good time to catch up on the PACT Act and how it may impact you. The good news is that you can contact for free, a Veteran Service Officer (VSO) that can help you with your claim. Good luck.,they%27ve%20earned%20and%20deserve.
Posted in these groups: 375b1df4 Agent OrangeVietnam service ribbon Vietnam WarScan0009 Vietnam
Edited 7 mo ago
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Responses: 11
CAPT Kevin B.
"Agent Orange dries quickly after spraying and breaks down within hours to days when exposed to sunlight (if not bound chemically to a biological surface such as soil, leaves and grass) and is no longer harmful."

So the VA presumes that Orange that's sucked into ship's ventilation, is held by asbestos and PCB insulation, and is not exposed to sunlight is somehow not a problem? Like my Dad who had mustard gas tested on him involuntarily in WW2, not enough of us are dead yet to chase down an answer they might not like. BTW Dioxin is a Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP), which makes where VA is coming from rather tragic.
Sgt Field Radio Operator
Sgt (Join to see)
7 mo
I agree with you! Agent Orange does not break down where it is no longer harmful. There are hundreds of thousands of Americans and Vietnamese that would dispute this VA statement.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
7 mo
Wonder how if it breaks down like they said that Agent Orange that was sprayed where We were in Da Nang, Vietnam that still now in 2024 nothing will grow there How about guys in my unit there died from the exposure ? That was 52 years ago and it's till NOT broken down ! Whomever mad that claim it's no long harmful is either stupid as anything or an outright liar or both ! Both children from Americans and the Vietnamese had birth defects due to their parents exposure. It's so bad that area had to have a concrete sealing cover poured over it by our own Federal Government and be fenced off to protect people The photo shown here is the area where the barrels of Agent Orange were stored and as You can see nothing is growing there ! the AO was also sprayed on our own perimeter where Me and My buddies worked and quite few of them have died because of that !
Sgt Field Radio Operator
Sgt (Join to see)
7 mo
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter - That picture is a vivid reminder of how bad Agent Orange was and still is today. It also disproves the claim that Agent Orange would break down and not be harmful.
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SGT Robert Urbaniak
By sheer luck, I did not have agent orange in my area. My good friend Larry LaBarber who was also 1st Cavalry, never showed any signs of being exposed to this terrible agent.
Sgt Field Radio Operator
Sgt (Join to see)
7 mo
SGT Robert Urbaniak Thank you for sharing good news!
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
7 mo
A few of the guys I served with in the 366th Security Police Squadron died due to the Agent Orange exposure at Da Nang . My friend Sergeant Frank Donahue, one that was getting hassle from the VA I wrote a letter supporting His claim esp as the place they questioned where He worked the Federal Government had spent over 116 Million dollar trying to clean it up due to Agent Orange. To this day nothing will grow there. I pointe that out in my letter. I also included a photo of both of us together there in our combat uniforms. Agent Orange was used on our own perimeter where both of us worked and We also worked a bunker within 100 feet of where thousands of barrels of Agent Orange were stored. We even worked around the C123 aircraft from 12th Special Operations Squadron "Ranch Hands" that actually did the spraying. His Doctor used My letter and photo. He got His 100% Disabled status and they paid Him back to the date He applied three years prior. He died 6 months later.
SGT Robert Urbaniak
SGT Robert Urbaniak
7 mo
I has two local good friends that died from agent orange, it was like 50 years later it creeped up on them and took their lives.
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SGM John Barnett
Good luck, just hope you’re still alive to collect. my disability review was started 8 months ago and it appears they’re not even close to closing it
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
6 mo
SGM John Barnett - No an agent orange claim but it took them over a year and a half to decide my hearing loss claim. They said they couldn't find my service records, yeah right!
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