Posted on Aug 5, 2015
Big Game Hunting........Whom should we be mad at?
With all the media attention about big game hunting and the uproar it has created over those that partake in it, I have this question. Whom should the people be upset with, the people that do the hunting, or the country that allows and makes money off of big game hunting?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
I'm going with neither. Big game hunting is highly regulated and essential to proper conservation and animal population control. African governments depend on the revenue and locals depend on the employment and food sources.
It's only first-world Americans having fits when applying their sensitivities to third-world issues.
Any guide/hunter breaking the conservation laws and anyone poaching should be prosecuted. Anyone being internet brave with calling for violence or worse on a legal hunter ought to be looked at as well.
It's only first-world Americans having fits when applying their sensitivities to third-world issues.
Any guide/hunter breaking the conservation laws and anyone poaching should be prosecuted. Anyone being internet brave with calling for violence or worse on a legal hunter ought to be looked at as well.
Whom should we be mad at? The Media. For blowing this TOTALLY out of proportion. Here is an interesting article that puts a different perspective on things....

A Zimbabwean Just Dropped A Truth Bomb About Cecil The Lion That Americans Need To See
“Cecil who? I wondered...”
The truth to "Whom should we be mad at" is the media itself. The media, in true fashion, is the anti-gun, anti-hunting, anti-anything conservative institution that continually refuses to put out the truth. Now whether that is due to lack of knowledge, lack of integrity, or just plain pushing their beliefs onto the masses is a different topic. I have my own thoughts on that issue, as I’m sure everyone else reading this has theirs. The fact about hunting period, whether it’s Big Game, Small Game, Upland Game Birds, Waterfowl, etc. (this also applies to fishing as well), has everything to do with wildlife conservation. But what is Wildlife conservation? Wildlife conservation, according Wikipedia, is the practice of protecting wild plant and animal species and their habitats. The goal of wildlife conservation is to ensure that nature will be around for future generations to enjoy and also to recognize the importance of wildlife and wilderness for humans and other species alike. Essentially, it is the balancing act that wildlife managers do to ensure the entire ecological equilibrium of nature remains in balance with all species occupying a given area. Too many of one type of species determines the outcome of other species. For example, if there are too many predators (or carnivores), the predators would, and do, migrate into urban areas in search for food. This creates public safety issues. Who wants a Mountain Lion or a Black Bear in their neighborhood? Too many prey (herbivores) and they eat up all the vegetation and starve to death. And these don’t even account for the various diseases that wildlife caries such as brucellosis and others. These are just a couple easy examples that Wildlife Managers have to balance. In addition to trapping and relocating, hunting is simply a tool used by Wildlife Managers to maintaining the ecological equilibrium of nature. Hunters also pay the bulk of wildlife conservation across the country, according to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, though the Pittman-Robertson Act of 1937, which created a tax on guns, ammunition, bows, arrows, and other hunting-related equipment. Hunters also band together to form local sportsmen’s clubs and national organizations to raise funds for conservation. If you are a hunter you can attest to this, because all things “hunting” are expensive. Which begs the question, how much do the animal-rights folks pay towards conservation? Or do they simply mouth off about something they haven’t a clue about? Unfortunately, there are far too many people that have the mentality (or so it appears) that life revolves around emotions. Hence the animal-rights wing of environmentalism. The fact is, there is so much more to hunting than just “killing innocent animals”. Definitely more than the space I have here. Just like everything else from the mainstream media, if their mouths are moving, they’re lying. And this is a serious injustice to those enjoy the outdoors and enjoy a sport, simply because they don’t “approve”. Last time I checked, I don’t need their approval. I’m respectful enough not to ask them to do something they don’t like. That curtesy needs to be reciprocated. So the long and short (I know, more long than short) of it is the media are the ones to blame since they refuse to push facts and not agendas.
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