Posted on Aug 4, 2015
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
Think about the actions and attitudes of people who oppose abortion. Does "Anti-Abortion" mean the same as "Pro-Life?" Is there a difference? How do you define each term? What does it mean to be fully "pro-life?"
Posted in these groups: 6262122778 997339a086 z PoliticsD6865484 Pregnancy
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Responses: 20
SFC Michael Hasbun
Smart nun...
LTC Bink Romanick
LTC Bink Romanick
>1 y
You're the man! Love the fetus, then cut food stamps to feed the child!
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
Outstanding Comment SSG Hasbun. I concur wholeheartedly.
1LT Aaron Barr
1LT Aaron Barr
9 y
This nun makes the mistake typical to statists; she presumes that because some of us do not support the idea of the state doing something, it follows that we don't want it done at all. This is abject nonsense. I don't want the government to farm, that doesn't mean that I don't want anybody to farm.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
9 y
Particularly since the government would plant the chickens feet side up.
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SGT Combat Documentation/Production Specialist
Technically...yes. Anti-abortion means not removing the fetus, which means life for the fetus.

But aside from fighting to keep the baby alive, what are the pro-lifers doing? Are they donating diapers? Clothes? Giving a harried mother a break from her colic-y baby? Are they donating their time to help the women cornered into a situation where they're considering abortion saying "I'm here for you and will help you out, even if it's just being a shoulder to lean on"?

No. I never saw that. Instead, I see many pro-lifers screaming profanities in the faces of frightened women. A woman is a monster because she feels that death is better for her baby than starvation (because she's low-income and can't always afford to feed herself) or because she's a young teenager that didn't know better.

I think that prevention is the key here. Instead of reacting to a situation by abortion, why not educate youngsters on prevention or develop sound outreach programs? Pregnant? Okay, here's the predicted costs, here are some FREE classes on how to adapt to life with a baby. The change is going to suck, but here's a community that UNDERSTANDS and IS HERE TO HELP.

If she still doesn't want the baby, she doesn't want the baby. Maybe she's being selfish, maybe she believes that she won't be able to provide a good growing environment for the baby.
SSG Ray Strenkowski
SSG Ray Strenkowski
>1 y
I don't really like this argument...
So lets say the 'baby' (your words) is born and then she decides that she can't provide a good growing environment for the child. She can't kill it because it's her choice... why can someone make that choice prior?

I don't have a fully formed opinion on this subject... and try to live with a very Libertarian 'live and let live' view... So please don't take this as an assault, more of a question.

I'm just not fully convinced that one person should be able to determine whether someone lives or dies.
SGT Combat Documentation/Production Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Michael Hasbun You raise a valid point. I wish I could say that if she decided after the fact that she wasn't fit to be a mother, then she could adopt the child out to a qualified and loving home where the child would never question their worth, but that isn't always the case.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
9 y
I am under the opinion that on the supply and demand issue, babies are far fewer in number than potential adoptive parents. My brother and his wife have been cleared for adoption by the state and are in their sixth or seventh year of waiting.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
I think the question that never gets asked, but needs to be, is at what point does an unborn child become a Constitutionally protected person?
The answer to that would solve the legal aspect of a moral argument.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
If it were up to me I would say when brain function begins. Just as a person without any brain function is considered dead, a fetus or zygote without brain function can not be considered to be alive. Once brain function begins, another person exists.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
>1 y
On this, 1stLt Nick S, we agree.
I realize that PP does a lot of work that is of benefit to the community. But I think that what is going on now, and the completely cavalier way it is discussed by their leadership, begs for scrutiny. Clearly they don't think they are doing anything wrong, even though they are in potential violation of several statutes.
1LT Aaron Barr
1LT Aaron Barr
9 y
I would argue that it occurs from the moment of conception. From that point forward, the unborn is genetically distinct from both parents and is living. As the right to life is unalienable, I find it hard to understand how it could be without violation of the 14th Amendment's requirement of due process.
SPC John Hilton
SPC John Hilton
>1 y
About the time the local stripper marries the private. (sorry couldn't quite help it on this topic)
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