Posted on Jul 29, 2015
Is Presidential Candidate Jim Webb on your radar?
Responses: 14
Webb is clearly the best candidate for the presidency. The GOP candidates are all bat-shit crazy and catering to the worst impulses in American life. Madame Clinton is a shill of Wall Street and the Defense Contractors. She is constantly attended by scandal. Bernie Sanders is too far out of the mainstream. Sen. Webb, holy cow he got a Navy Cross, a Silver Star, two Bronze stars and two Purple Hearts IN ONE YEAR. I love the guy and have since he told the SecDef to stick it back in the ‘80s
SMSgt Tony Barnes
Capt Walter Miller Being charged with a politically motivated felony is not a big deal. PO1 John Miller Yes being 'pro-life' is a make or break deal. You can't trust the judgment of a person in favor of infanticide
He is an honorable man and would be a great president. He cares about our military!
SSgt Joe Chenelly
Very true. He's proven that as a senator and now as a presidential candidate. I really believe every service member and veteran should be seriously looking at getting in Webb's corner for this battle.
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