Posted on Jul 28, 2015
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
What character traits are critical for a person to be a successful submarine crewmember? Why?
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PO1 Donald Hammond
Now days? Who knows. Back when I was in you had to have a great sense of humor and very thick skin. And be crazy. Why? Because you are locked in a tube with many other people who you depend on to survive. You are underwater for long periods of time, don't see the sun, little fresh air, food that comes out of a can or is frozen since the Crusades.
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CWO3 Randy Weston
Some of the key traits have been said: NOT claustrophobic (a torpedoe tube is very small when you are inside withe the Muzzle door closed), team player (being closed up that long with these guys, you either play on the same team or you will be ostracized), thick skin (if not they will find your weaknesses and exploit them!), Hi IQ (you are dealing with the best of the best and nucs too!), Sarcastic (the primary sense of humor), quick witted (you need this to act quickly to casualty situations and for self defense on a verbal basis). These are the essentials, now for the recommended traits: Optimist (this helps on those long underway periods because you know you are going to surface at some point in time!), Inventive (how can you eb green ((tape)) someone to the overhead or their rack so that it can not be duplicated!), conniving sense of humor (lets put tdu weights in your buddy's bunk pan to make him think he is getting weaker).

Seriously, those are good collection, but what you end up with are life long friends as many of you have experienced when placed in harms way together. As a 3rd generation submareeeener and having devoted 21 years to the submarine force, I would not trade for anything. BTW, Submarine Warfare (SS) was the first warfare pin. Brothers of the Phin. Oh, I forgot ego! Must have one and not be afraid to show it!
PO1 Donald Hammond
PO1 Donald Hammond
>1 y
What? I was told you can't eb green a person naked upside down from the pipes in engine room lower level and attach a vacuum cleaner to his uhmmm stuff anymore. (yes, we did it and the CO making a general tour of the boat walked by him and said "have you finished taking your logs yet?" to which said sailor said "no sir, but I'm a bit tied up right now" and the CO replied "stop just hanging around and do your job".)
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PO1 Jason Taylor
Have a sense of humor, it makes the days under water far more tolerable!
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