Posted on Jul 27, 2015
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
On Monday, July 27, the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America ratified a resolution that removes the national restriction on openly gay adult leaders and employees. Of those present and voting, 79 percent voted in favor of the resolution. The resolution was recommended for ratification by the Executive Committee earlier this month. The resolution is effective immediately.

Chartered organizations will continue to select their adult leaders and religious chartered organizations may continue to use religious beliefs as criteria for selecting adult leaders, including matters of sexuality. This change allows Scouting’s members and parents to select local units, chartered to organizations with similar beliefs, that best meet the needs of their families. This change also respects the right of religious chartered organizations to choose adult volunteer leaders whose beliefs are consistent with their own.

Moving forward, we will continue to focus on reaching and serving youth, helping them grow into good, strong citizens. By focusing on the goals that unite us, we are able to accomplish incredible things for young people and the communities we serve.

Also, today the Boy Scouts of America shared this video of National President Dr. Robert M. Gates speaking on the policy change.

What is your opinion on this landmark decision?
Posted in these groups: Boy Scouts of AmericaBsa Boy Scouts
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Responses: 9
LTC John Shaw
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
As an Assistant Scout Master, I believe the decision by the National Board is the right decision. The local units will choose adult leadership and at a national level the issue of sexual orientation is not an discriminating barrier.
I know many local units will be challenged as their particular faith background does not support this stance.
I am an Eagle Scout and my youngest son is First Class working toward Star. I want my son to grow up in a pluralistic society and to judge people by their actions and statements, not because of their particular orientation.
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
>1 y
I like the middle road the decision reflects. I wonder if all those Eagles that were denied because the Scout was gay, will be retroactively awarded
LTC John Shaw
LTC John Shaw
>1 y
CH (MAJ) William Beaver Good point, not sure how that will work...
Sgt Matt Koeneman
Sgt Matt Koeneman
>1 y
I disagree100% This ruling is adversely and directly affecting the scouts in my area. Since this ruling we've had packs have to shut down. I know for a fact that at least Boy Scout group and Cub scout pack have to find a new place to meet and store their gear. They are no longer allowed to use the church they've been in for years after Dec 31 this year. So in the name of equality and multicultural PC bull sh*t these children are loosing out on an incredible experience and all the positives that go with it.
Maj Neal Jackman
Maj Neal Jackman
>1 y
Local units, Organizational Rep & Troop Committee, have always picked their leaders. It has never been a national vetting process. When there was abuse, it wasn't the local unit who paid $18M to a young man, it was the BSA. Always go for the deep pockets. It was wrong to say a young man was morally clean until his 18th BD and the next day he isn't. Not every LGBT... person is a pedophile. Two deep leadership was critical in promoting safety for boys and leaders. The writing was on the wall for the ban to be lifted on leaders. Girls and women in Scouting? I have known some outstanding women leaders. I have never seen a young woman at Scout Camp who was not a distraction and who demonstrated the principals of Scouting, there were probably some somewhere. I have known some who abused the boys. When one case was reported, the Council said "not from our Council". The Council they were from said "didn't happen here". The Council where it happened said "she went back home, we don't have jurisdiction anymore". Meanwhile, we unit leaders were left to pick up the pieces. If the girls want a program like the boys, create it in GSA. Be responsive to the needs of your members. As a SM the last thing I wanted on a campout was a young girl. When the NYLT program was being revised the preface to the training said "some of you may find these changes not to your liking, we encourage you to find some other place to serve." Thanks ATT, Ernst and Young, Sec Def, United Way, and all the others who have destroyed a great program. Scouting sold their soul for the $$$. They got what they deserved. I left with the first change and asked to come back as they needed leaders like me (DSM, DAM, SB, Eagle, OA, 20+ years, NYLT SM, Cubmaster, Woodbadge Staff). I had to follow my convictions.
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SGM Matthew Quick
It's in line with what society has gone too...acceptance.
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CPT Field Artillery Officer
We've had this discussion around the campfire (Assistant Scoutmaster, one of the installation's troops) with the other adult leaders while the scouts were off at their activities. As long as the adults remember that they are there to help the boys, I don't see any problem. If you volunteer as a scouter for the boy scouts, you're focus is to help the scouts develop not advance your own personal agenda.
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