Posted on Jul 19, 2023
How does my OSUT training work when I have dependents?
Hello to any who can answer this for me.I’m an 11x infantry recruit,I ship out to basic training on August first accept I am going through OSUT at Fort Moore formerly known as Fort Benning Georgia ,for me it will be 22 weeks long I believe.I have 2 defendants and wife and infant that will be living in Baltimore Maryland until I finish.It is my understanding that I will receive the bah for the location that they are in until I am finished all my training..I need to know does that include my entirety of OSUT and will I be getting the BAH for Maryland the entire time Basic+AIT or will it change to Georgia BAH when I graduate basic,I know this is a long question but I’m trying to understand my finances before I head out..thank you
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
BAH will stay on for the entire duration of your Basic and AIT. Your BAH is according to where you live at the time of enlistment. If Active, you'll be afforded the opportunity to switch your BAH to your new location, especially if you end up living off post with your family
If you are active you will get BAH the entire time you are at OSUT. There is no basic and AIT for 11 series, only OSUT (One station unit training). It will be based on your home of record, where you lived prior to enlistment. So if you live in another location, that's where it will be determined Once you get your assignment, you and your family will then PCS to your new duty station and it will be recalculated.
If you are guard it will work the same, but will cut off when you return home.
If you are guard it will work the same, but will cut off when you return home.
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