Posted on Jun 22, 2023
What bicycle companies/websites offer deals or incentives for military/veterans?
I'm in the market for a new bike but DANG prices have gone up since the last time I had to buy one. Anyone know of any way for a veteran to offset the cost?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Some shops offer 10% discounts to military, but you have to find them. What specifically are you shopping for and how much do you intend to use it? Is this for daily use, long/short rides, road/trails/both?
SSG Carlos Madden
Just looking for a simple road bike. Not looking to compete in Le Tour De France anytime soon.
SSG Carlos Madden if you do a search for companies or bike stores that offer a military discount you can browse. Obed bikes offers a discount, A has some Marin road bikes with a discount. Most shops or companies use IDME
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