Posted on Jul 21, 2015
What are best command practices for closing down battalions?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I was assigned to a base that was closing. There was a lot of unknowns and angst amongst the troops. Being transparent is very important. Ministry teams are important because you can provide guidance and hope. Especially for those that are in limbo and don't have a lot of answers about their next assignment. Ministry teams can also assist families ie spouses so the soldier can focus on the mission. Great question.
In 1993 I was heavily involved in tracking and reporting the progress and benchmarks in the deactivation of our field artillery battalion in Germany. These procedures were in accordance with CFE (Conventional Forces in Europe) treaty. I can't help but believe AAR's are filed away somewhere on the entire drawdown process. The AAR'S should give you an idea of the type of issues that would be the province a Unit Ministry Team.
Lock the supply storage cages and secure the keys. I stood down a Reserve POW camp Command after Desert Storm. Did a complete PB inventory along with expendable supply's. The Saudis and Kuwaitis were giving them any thing they wanted, with no accountability. I had CID support because these guys were MP's' . One CPT was selling Concertina wire, blue lights and all kinds of law enforcement stuff in the State Capital parking lot, and the local LO's were buying. He was even charging sales tax. Quick trip to Leavenworth. There were other units that could have used that stuff along with procedures to assume accountability.
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