Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Aug 1988 - Sep 1995
Operations NCO
Performed duties as a Senior Instructor at the TACFIRE School from Aug 88 - Aug 91. Transferred to HHB, 6th Bn 1St FA, as Fire Control NCO, responsible for the TACFIRE computer system. Also assigned to develop and implement TACFIRE training program for the battalion that was subsequently adopted by the entire Division Artillery. Assigned as project NCO for implementation of all digital and electronic battlefield systems. Supervised 5 enlisted men and 3 NCO's. Performed duties of Operations Sergeant in his absence. After deactivation of 6/1 FA, assigned to HQ 7ATC as Operations Officer for Plans and Operations Division of the Directorate of Training for 7ATC. Subsequently assumed duties as NCOIC of the Division. Also selected as Operations Sergeant Major in his absence.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character