Posted on Jul 21, 2015
New changes to Non-commissioned Officer Professional Development System, thoughts?
As of 1 OCT 2015, Warrior Leaders Course (WLC) becomes Basic Leader Course (BLC) and an E8 Master Leader Course (MLC) begins a pilot program in advance of being implemented force wide NLT 1 OCT 2017 to fill a gap between SLC and SMC. Once implemented, MLC will have both resident and non-resident versions.
Additionally, Final Rankings (ie. 10th out of 25) at NCOES schools will be established to quantify performance among classmates.
As an added bonus, TRADOC is tasked with developing a tool (Digital Tool Box) that allows leaders to track Soldier training and individual task completion.
This went out Army wide approved from the Chief of Staff on 16 JUL 2015.
Additionally, Final Rankings (ie. 10th out of 25) at NCOES schools will be established to quantify performance among classmates.
As an added bonus, TRADOC is tasked with developing a tool (Digital Tool Box) that allows leaders to track Soldier training and individual task completion.
This went out Army wide approved from the Chief of Staff on 16 JUL 2015.
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
Just a few of my thoughts, though I reserve most thoughts until I see what the final course looks like.
1. NCOES Ranking- I love this idea. I think this will have two very important effects. First it will help identify those who were on the cusp of making Commandant's List and those who just sat in the back and squeaked though the course. The second effect is that it forces NCOs to attend their level of NCOES and truly put forth maximum effort. Because of effect one and two, there will be healthy competition to achieve superior results. Competition breeds excellence.
2. Digital Tool Box- I look forward to see the final product. We invest substantial time and resources into developing systems for the Army. I like that we're getting after solutions to help the guys/gals that run the Army.
3. Master Leader Course- I want to reserve judgment until I see the POI. What I don't want to see happen is a fill-the-gap, haphazardly put together, rehash of SLC and CCFSPCC. From the HQDA EXORD, I think the course will be beneficial, I like the focus areas, particularly: Organizational Leadership, Operating in a JIIM Environment, Professional Writing/Speaking.
4. Timeline- I wonder where in our timeline we're going to attend MLC, as this wasn't addressed in the EXORD. Personally, I'd like to see us attend prior to placement into a Branch Qualifying position - much like a Major attends CGSC prior to completing his KD time.
Other Thoughts: I think this is a nice first step in revamping/improving NCOES. However, I think it fails to address my biggest concern with the current NCOPDS - SLC. Platoon Sergeants have a wealth of experiential knowledge but lack the doctrinal smarts to effectively communicate with Commanders at all levels (just a thought from my foxhole). I'd like to see a branch's SLC pair of with it's Captain's Career Course for some classes/joint instruction. For example, as an Infantryman, take SFCs attending M-SLC and pair them for a few weeks at MCCC. You'd have a product, on both sides (officer and NCO) that leave their branch qualifying courses 'speaking the same language'.
1. NCOES Ranking- I love this idea. I think this will have two very important effects. First it will help identify those who were on the cusp of making Commandant's List and those who just sat in the back and squeaked though the course. The second effect is that it forces NCOs to attend their level of NCOES and truly put forth maximum effort. Because of effect one and two, there will be healthy competition to achieve superior results. Competition breeds excellence.
2. Digital Tool Box- I look forward to see the final product. We invest substantial time and resources into developing systems for the Army. I like that we're getting after solutions to help the guys/gals that run the Army.
3. Master Leader Course- I want to reserve judgment until I see the POI. What I don't want to see happen is a fill-the-gap, haphazardly put together, rehash of SLC and CCFSPCC. From the HQDA EXORD, I think the course will be beneficial, I like the focus areas, particularly: Organizational Leadership, Operating in a JIIM Environment, Professional Writing/Speaking.
4. Timeline- I wonder where in our timeline we're going to attend MLC, as this wasn't addressed in the EXORD. Personally, I'd like to see us attend prior to placement into a Branch Qualifying position - much like a Major attends CGSC prior to completing his KD time.
Other Thoughts: I think this is a nice first step in revamping/improving NCOES. However, I think it fails to address my biggest concern with the current NCOPDS - SLC. Platoon Sergeants have a wealth of experiential knowledge but lack the doctrinal smarts to effectively communicate with Commanders at all levels (just a thought from my foxhole). I'd like to see a branch's SLC pair of with it's Captain's Career Course for some classes/joint instruction. For example, as an Infantryman, take SFCs attending M-SLC and pair them for a few weeks at MCCC. You'd have a product, on both sides (officer and NCO) that leave their branch qualifying courses 'speaking the same language'.
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