Posted on Jul 10, 2015
SGT Joseph Goldman
What can we do to ensure that no veteran goes hungry or homeless again?
Can we each take a step forward to line that interview up for them and walk them through it! WE are responsible for ourselves and those we fought with who fought and served for us as well! There are more than 330,000 Veterans on this site alone! If each of us took just 1 veteran a month, there would be no need for the VA or anybody to have to do this for us! We all are men and women of character and strength of which the civilian world does not possess. It is our duty, right and privilege to be there for one another! I say, 1 a day will keep the VA away! How many more vets need to surrender to hopelessness and sadly take the long nap self inflicted? The instant fix for depression is change of environment and a feeling of pride and success. If what I say is true then it is up to us all to provide that feeling for them and not leave it in the hands of the VA who continue to fail when we have all already succeeded!!!
Posted in these groups: Vietnam 20veteran Homeless
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 9
SrA Edward Vong
As I do support veterans for hire programs and such, a veteran would only be lined up for an interview if they meet requirements listed on the career searches. If it all matches up, there's no reason a company shouldn't call them back for at least a phone interview.
SGT Joseph Goldman
SGT Joseph Goldman
>1 y
SrA Edward Vong - I couldn't agree more!
SrA Edward Vong
SrA Edward Vong
>1 y
PO3 Steven Sherrill
From what I know, all resumes are run through a filter, if certain words don't match in with the filter, they get tossed aside. That is an unfortunate hiring process that not only affects veterans, but the civilian populace as well. Translating military to civilian skills may be tricky, but not impossible. I have managed to translate some of my most minute duties into something great in the civilian world.

Having a specialized filter for veterans can help as we all have a unique skillset. Issue is convincing HR, and corporations to start the process. On a good note, I believe companies can tax breaks, or some type of incentive for hiring protected veterans, or overall veterans. Something one can talk about during the pay negotiations.
SGT Joseph Goldman
SGT Joseph Goldman
>1 y
SrA Edward Vong - The filters are a very true and impersonal process! However, I believe the following: I personally have over 2000 contacts that I know directly. Lets assume 1/4 of that as the general average. 330,000 vets each with 500 contacts= 165,000,000 contacts that we all could reach out to personally and circumvent the electronic process!
I have personally managed to even get around OPM and get direct hires jobs!
PO1 Glenn Boucher
PO1 Glenn Boucher
>1 y
As with any job you have to be qualified or your not getting an interview no matter what. It would be nice if we as veterans could get a step up, but the reality is that we have to compete like everyone else.
I know there are many allegedly "Veteran friendly" companies but they are not really that friendly, at least in my experience.
I know that I expect a lot because I have given a lot and still have more to give.
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
The sad reality is in this day there is so much competition. Now that 40,000 more are going to be job hunting it is going to be difficult to get everyone deserving of employment a job. You are right that no veteran should go homeless or hungry. I personally think that the VA should set up something to assist homeless vets. At least make sure they can get a hot meal.
SGT Joseph Goldman
SGT Joseph Goldman
>1 y
Steven, you point out a very true and unfortunate reality however, WE are responsible for ourselves and those we fought with who fought and served for us as well! There are more than 330,000 Veterans on this site alone! If each of us took just 1 veteran a month, there would be no need for the VA or anybody to have to do this for us! We all are men and women of character and strength of which the civilian world does not possess. It is our duty, right and privilege to be there for one another! I say, 1 a day will keep the VA away! How many more vets need to surrender to hopelessness and sadly take the long nap self inflicted? The instant fix for depression is change of environment and a feeling of pride and success. If what I say is true then it is up to us all to provide that feeling for them and not leave it in the hands of the VA who continue to fail when we have all already succeeded!!!
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SPC Margaret Higgins
SGT Goldman, I Love your idea. And pride, success, accomplishments are ALL cures for depression.
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