Posted on Jul 9, 2015
RallyPoint Shared Content

From: Stolen Valor on YouTube
This video was sent to us by a lady out of the Reno, Nevada area. This guy was walking around pretending he was a Marine. When asked for his name he responded that, "He was on High Alert, and couldn't give that out."

He then said he was a member of the 3rd Battalion, 26th Marines, which have been deactivated sine 1970. The Marines do have a 26th MEU(Marine Expeditionary Unit), but it doesn't have a 3rd Battalion.
He was trying to get a discount on or a free venue for his wedding using the claims.
Posted in these groups: 524395 331088503647420 191451722 n Stolen ValorEga Marine Corps
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Responses: 383
COL Jean (John) F. B.
The guy has an obvious mental problem... Although I do not condone his wearing of the uniform, I think she went as little overboard. Call him out and/or call the police and move on. Having such an argument in public is not a good course of action.
SGT Glenn E Moody
SGT Glenn E Moody
>1 y
sir i agree 100% what if he is A combat VETERAN with PTSD she could have got her self hurt very bad. until you have walked in someones shoes you don't know. A MARINE CORP. friend gave me some of his uniform's is it SV if i ware some of it sometimes camping. no name tapes on them. but might have US MARINE on them. they are IRAQI freedom digital's tan & green one's. I have worn the boonie hat and been asked if I was a MARINE nope I was ARMY and point at my friend that gave it to me.
SGT Joseph Dutton
SGT Joseph Dutton
>1 y
I don't confront anyone whom that may or may not claim to be in active service or a veteran. If she/he is a fake then what ever benefits they are achieving. They will be found out and proper authorities will take appropriate action.
SGT Combat Engineer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
I couldn't bring myself to make such a scene as what some SV videos do it's become a viral issue. I think calling someone out for SV should be low key not a high school drama scene. I also think if you haven't served yourself you have no right calling someone out for SV and need to stay in your own lane no matter how upset you are bite your tongue and stay in control.
SSgt Erick Gomez
SSgt Erick Gomez
5 y
Roger that. He’s definitely got some mental issues.
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SSG Jeffery Rea
Even with the contempt I have for stolen valor, this woman bothered me more than the man in the outdated Marine uniform. From the first time he speaks it seems apparent that he is either suffering from a mental disorder or is intoxicated. Obviously, he wasn't called back to service and told to report in his outdated uniform. That part is clearly a lie, and probably the rest of his story, but neither she nor any of us have any way of knowing this man’s veteran status with certainty. I wholeheartedly support any service member, veteran or civilian that chooses to confront a person they suspect of stolen valor. I would however urge people to use caution when doing so. Many of us have strong emotions attached to this issue, and I can easily envision a situation where an emotionally charged individual with the best of intentions, escalates one of these confrontations to a point where they themselves are at risk of legal trouble, whether criminal or civil. My issue is not with her confronting him, it is with the manner in which she confronts him. It seems this woman was more concerned with recording the next internet hit than defending the sanctity of the uniform. Does her verbal assault truly do anything to correct the situation? If her motivations for the confrontation were pure then why the need to attack him on camera? Does anyone actually believe that publicly shaming these people will deter them or others from stealing valor? We have all seen the repeat offenders on social media and sites like Guardian of Valor. I’m a fan of Guardian of Valor, and I do see value on getting these images and stories out there, as a way for the public to be made aware of scammers in their area. I do however question what it says about our community when so many of these videos involve people who seem to be enjoying the opportunity to attack someone. Why not politely ask a few questions to determine the validity of his claims, and then if she still suspected a crime was committed, report it to the authorities? I would also note that for it to be a crime he would have to gain a benefit or something of value from those lies.
SFC Michael D.
SFC Michael D.
>1 y
And she makes no indication that she ever served. "Oh my boy friend, my dad, my brother." She's like the guy lecturing the mans family because they parked in a handi cap space. Someone got shot and died for that one. Mind your buisness.
SFC David Wojta
SFC David Wojta
>1 y
SPC Merle Jantz - No emoticons here, but that deserves a heartly LOL...
CCMSgt John Geremia
CCMSgt John Geremia
>1 y
MSgt Kerry Lundy - MSgt Lundy, I would have to consider myself very lucky. I did 4 years regular and then decided to join the Air Nat Guard. Did a total of 35 yrs before retiring at 60. I was fortunate to have the company that I worked for as the pri payer when I retired and Tricare as secondary but I have never had a problem with getting Tricare to pay it's share of anything.
MSgt Kerry Lundy
MSgt Kerry Lundy
>1 y
I think there may have been a misunderstanding about my post. I have received nothing but outstanding medical care from the Military Health facilities since I retired and once MEDICARE kicked in they became the primary payer and TRICARE for Life became my secondary payer. Mine and my wife's medical/hospital expenses have been minimal. My comment was about my bad experience with one encounter with the VA. We have an outstanding primary care facility 10 miles from our front door that accepts both MEDICARE and TFL. I have a pulmonologist and oncologist who accepts both and have had to make no co-pays so far. We use xpress scripts for medicines with no problems there. I understand the VA has gotten much better. I understand from my friends that the VA facilities in Augusta,Ga have greatly improved. For a long time it was known as the place veterans go to die because of the sorry service and care. I only used it one time and have never darkened their doors again.
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SFC Joseph Weber
This looks more like mental illness and not stolen valor.
LTC Lewis Cox
LTC Lewis Cox
>1 y
If you believe a nut is an imposter, report him or her to the Police and leave.
Col Jonathan Brazee
Col Jonathan Brazee
>1 y
The lady went overboard, as do many people. I had a young Marine get on my case at the airport because I used an old assault pack for a carry on, I was wearing a VFW polo shirt, and I was wearing a ballcap with "US Marines retired." I ignored him as he harassed me on the way to pick up my luggage until he reached up and touched my cap, telling me to "take off that silly thing." At that point I almost lost it, but I pulled out my ID card and shoved it in his face. He backed off, made some stupid comment that I forget now, and retreated. My luggage was lost, so I had to file a missing luggage report, so I was at the luggage claim later than most. As I left the claim, this guy came slinking up. He saw me and turned his face away, refusing to meet my eyes. I detest stolen valor, but there are some who go way overboard in trying to aggressively attack others in public over it.
MSgt Kerry Lundy
MSgt Kerry Lundy
>1 y
Col Jonathan Brazee - I proudly wear my Retired Air Force cap that my grandson gave me and my sterling silver US Air Force belt buckle. My grandson is USAF Reserves. Like you if you mess with my cap you will get introduced to proper respect. I have and had many friends from my hometown who are Marine Veterans as well some while I was in Vietnam. Semper Fi Colonel!!
COL Lester Blaylock
COL Lester Blaylock
>1 y
I agree with most on this subject, that the man has a mental problem and the lady should have recognized this and reported it, instead on going off on the person.
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