Recent Activity -
Military Experiences
Recon Platoon Leader
First Reconn Plt at. Bn level went to: US Army's largest Manuever in LA.
Over 4 Divisions plus Special Forces. In excess of 150,000 Troups! OPERATION SAGEBRUSH
(3 years)Sep 1956 - Aug 1959
Pulled out of 3 rd ID and sent to Frankfurt West Germany for 3 Yr tour with The Army Security Agency, Rtn to Benning in Aug 1959 to attend Inf Career Crs.
From Career Crs went to 1st ID at Ft. Ryley for 2 years.
Volunteered for Vietnam and arrived in Saigon First day of 1962 assigned as Senior advisor to 2nd Bn 15 th Independent ARVN, Infantry Regiment.
Returned to Ban My Thout Vietnam July 1958 assigned as Senior Advisor to ARVN Regiment keeping Vietnam from being cut into! Five military hospitals and placed on Disability Retired List 90% in Oct 1970
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Mar 1956 - May 1956
Parachute School
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees