Posted on Jul 8, 2015
LTC Ed Ross
A large percentage of Americans are ignorant of political, economic, military and social issues. Are Americans dumber today than in the past or does the media just make it seem that way?
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Responses: 19
SFC Petroleum Supply Specialist
Edited 9 y ago
LTC Ed Ross I have the perfect example, Sir. I live in the D.C. metro and work at the Library of Congress. One of my co-workers has several Master's degrees, can speak several Eastern European foreign languages, and is well-versed in her Jewish background, but she could not tell me what the Bill of Rights were, how many justices sat on the Supreme Court (or tell me who the Chief Justice was), explain to me the 14th amendment, or telling others that she has foreign contacts in Europe was a BAD idea. I shared these observations with my husband and he believes that my co-worker is willfully ignorant. Moreover, I think many Americans are politically apathetic because they do not believe that government affects their lives, and if it does, it's so trivial that it won't impact them that greatly (e.g. paying a nickel for a grocery bag (Montgomery County, MD)). Unfortunately, many don't understand that local governments have the most power because they directly impact our lives. Google, Wikipedia, media, and social media outlets are also trouble makers. No one can think for themselves without being bombarded with subliminal messages. And lastly, I will close with one final thought: political correctness. Just this morning (July 9) I heard on the radio, that a state senator in MN wanted to change the name of the Asian Carpe (type of fish) to something else because he thought it would be offensive to minorities. The bill passed in state senate.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
9 y
"work at the Library of Congress."
Plus 2 for extra respect!
SFC Petroleum Supply Specialist
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Haha! Thanks!
SrA Edward Vong
SrA Edward Vong
9 y
Pretty much explained mine in a more thought out manner. In my opinion though, willful ignorance is not necessarily a bad thing, leave the more interested people to clean up other messes. I do believe in political correctness, to a degree. The Asian Carpe thing is too far.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Thought and research have been replaced by Google and Wikipedia.
Debate and deliberation have been replaced by hurt feelings and shaming of dissenting views.
Common sense has been replaced by group think.
Education has been replaced by indoctrination.
We are all poorer for it, in my opinion.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
9 y
I would argue against #1.
Google and the Wiki make accessing information much easier.
The problem stems from the lack of user applied filters.
Just because it appears at the top to the Google sort is no indication as the truth / falsehood of the article. It just means it follows Googles' "secret" algorithm, which many people know and game.
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SGT Joe Sabedra
In my eyes it has become spoiled by instant gratification.
News and social media is at our fingertips.
Everything is purchased at the store where it all just shows up.

Very few garden or can or do simple repairs around the house.

I see people as well as family expecting some to care for them.

I am considered an ass for telling them to get off there ass and make it on there own and support there own family.

Be responsible. Be prepared for when the Shit hits the fan.
A job loss, death or major illness.
All of these things can put people on government assistance but for how long.

Everyone is blowing money when they don't have it as if tomorrow will bring in the winning lottery ticket.

Not dumb. People are feeling entitled
MSG Operation And Capabilities Development Nco
MSG (Join to see)
9 y
Well I was going to respond with a long post about instant gearification and information overload forcing people to seek as many headlines as possible instead of digging into details... But everything I was going to say you have posted above!
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