Posted on Jul 2, 2015
COL Charles Williams
At 0800 CNN was leading with this... and Fox was leading with Washington Navy Yard Lock Down....

Yes, I understand statistics can be manipulated, (and all media is biased) but this seems to be contrary to what I am hearing and have been seeing/reading. Knowing what I know about inferential statistics, and skeptical a sample of 2000 is indicative of the entire US... I am becoming more and skeptical of news based surveys. They seem to align with the their views and bias, not the truth.

This survey seems like a counter response to other such stories... and it was an odd lead/headline story, with all that is going on...
Posted in these groups: E83e9618 Confederate FlagMedia 2cwljom Media
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 18
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Charles Williams I have a tough time with news and their surveys. What was the sample size, etc? I believe there is a lot of pride in the confederate flag in the south due to relatives that died in the civil war and that heritage passed down. For that reason, they should be able to display that heritage. It’s the groups like the KKK that have put a bad spin on the flag and what they represent. I think it is time to let this issue rest and move onto more pressing issues, but the news just can't seem to get enough of it.
LTC George Morgan
LTC George Morgan
3 y
I agree, if you take down one flag, you have to take down the other. e.g. The Stars & Stipes. So Ladies and Gentlemen, where we be without "Old Glory"? That glorious flag, emblematic of our Great Nation! The Stars and Bars is a Memorial Flag to the once called Conferate States, as is the Flag of Texas, The Lone Star Flag. Try taking the Lone Star Flag down and see how Texans respond!
On special days in the United States i.e., Fourth of July etc.etc., with a history of coming here from England, of Welsh ancestry, I fly Old Glory with the Union Flag, or as it's incorrectly called, The Union Jack, (See Note Below) to it's right, and the Welsh Flag to it's Left, the latter two, below the hieght of Old Glory, as demanded by the ethics of Flag Flying.
Look to the historic mutuality of of two Nations, if you were to ask me to down the flags of my history, I should respond. "I shall do so on the day that our President does so within the Oval Ofiice, on the day that the Queen, or Prime Minister visits the President on a State Visit!" "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, I rest my case".
(When is the Union Flag correctly called the 'The Union Jack'. When it is flown, on the 'Jackstaff' of a HMS or other British vessel. The Jack Staff is located on the bow of all vessels.)
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CPT Company Commander
Edited >1 y ago
I am still surprised people are against a flag. They are not really battling racism really at all. They are not trying to unify with an opposing view but they are attacking anything that they don't see as in their interest. I for one support the display of the confederate flag. My current unit that I am was a confederate unit in the Civil War. We were the 1st North Carolina Volunteer (CSA), then the 11th North Carolina (CSA). A few of the southern National Guard units have roots in the Confederacy. We have Confederate campaign credit streamers. But that is our history. It is nothing to be ashamed of. Not everyone in the CSA was a slave owner. The soldiers weren't fighting for racism. I don't display the CSA flag. I don't see a need too but we do have a Confederate War Memorial in our state Capital. The only flag that flys there is the the US flag. I don't think we should fly a any flag of CSA unless it is at a memorial.

What is funny is how people really don't know history I could wave this flag and ease. I am sure I could hand them out and just say that this was the North Carolina unity flag and they would believe. But in all reality it is the North Carolina Flag of the CSA. But they are so focused on one icon they aren't even tackling the concept of what it means.
COL Charles Williams
SSG William Jones
SSG William Jones
>1 y
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Charles Williams
I have no more energy left to take on yet another debate about the Confederate flag. I think it is much ado about nothing.

My feeling is that the flag represents Southern heritage and pride, although I recognize it has been hijacked by groups that use it as a symbol of hate and racism.

I am offended by the Gay Pride flag much more than the Confederate flag because, like the Confederate flag, it has been hijacked by the liberal left and LGBT Gaystopo to shove the gay lifestyle down our throats (no pun intended .... or maybe it is).

It is too bad folks are not as incensed about the economy, ISIS, a corrupt administration, law-making by 5 members of a 9 member unelected body, and on and on, and on....
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
>1 y
Thanks. COL Jean (John) F. B.. I hesitated to post, as I am sure all are tired. But, the stats were interesting to me as they are contrary to many news outlets and what I believe(d) to be ground truth. Sorry for getting you more fired up.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
4 y
SGT Steven Nelson - LOL... You don't know me and, as such, your comment is way out of line. I defy you to find one person of any race, ethnic group, gender, or sexual orientation, who worked with/for me in 30 years in the Army or almost 20 in my civilian career, who would agree with your comment. In short, you are full of shit.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
4 y
SGT Steven Nelson - I believe that homosexuality is a mental illness that should be treated, but celebrated. I believe that it is not normal and it never will be,
Having said that, I do not believe that homosexuals should be discriminated against.... nor should they be given “special rights”.
My personal feelings about this have never caused me to treat a homosexual differently than anybody else (except during the time in my military career when homosexuality was not allowed in the military and they were processed out, and, later, if they violated the “don’t ask, don’t tell” mandate).
If you are “gay”, that is your choice... However, it is not normal and never will be.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
SGT Steven Nelson - You are certainly entitled to your opinion, regardless how wrong you may be.
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