Posted on Jun 27, 2015
LCpl Mark Lefler
I've noticed a bunch of states, Alabama,Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana all are looking for ways around the supreme court ruling yesterday. I get that people do not like the decision, but when it comes to the supreme court, you win some, you lose some. People talk about how the president is being unconstitutional. Isn't not respecting a supreme court decision the same thing? If states or politicians look for ways around the system or buck the system because they don't happen to like this or that decision, isn't that thus an attempt to break down the constitutionally put in place system? I know some people feel the ruling itself is unconstitutional, but again you win some you lose some and beyond that two wrongs do not make any of it right, or is this one of those hypocritical times when the president is being unconstitutional but since people don't like the SCOTUS decision it's alright to go against it.
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Responses: 26
CPT Jack Durish
The Constitution provides for rebellion. Voters can throw the bums out. States can amend the Constitution. United the states can push back. Individually, they will fail.

Personally, I think that those focused on traditional marriage are limiting themselves. Why not ask, by what right does the government, any government, define marriage? There are two aspects of marriage: The contract and the matrimonial ceremony. No one should be denied the legal rights appertaining to "marriage". These can be granted by the signing of an agreement, no ceremony required. Those who perform marriage ceremonies should have the right to set the standards and conduct of those ceremonies and no government should have any right to interfere. This is called separation of church and state. Isn't that what we want?
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish the SCOTUS made the decision concerning "civil" marriages. This in no way changes the Sacrament of Marriage in the Church. No Priest, Rabbi, or Minister can be forced to conduct these ceremonies if they violate the practice of their religion.
SSG Gerhard S.
SSG Gerhard S.
>1 y
Not yet Sgt Jay Jones , rest assured, the requirement of religious authorities to perform such unions will be questioned in the future... give it time.
SSG Gerhard S.
SSG Gerhard S.
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish , I couldn't agree with you more, on all accounts.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
>1 y
LCpl Mark Lefler - As Morgan Freeman told Mike Wallace when he asked how to cure the race problem.. "Stop talking about it."
We have reached the point with same sex marriage that the best way to stop having problems is to stop talking about it.
The government took care of its appropriate part a long time ago.
Same sex couples are allowed the same medical insurance rights in the workplace as anyone else.
Government job done.
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LTC Bink Romanick
These states with their outlook loved the Hobby Lobby decision, Citizens United and the gutting of the Voting Rights Act, because of the conservative nature of their populations and the influence that their religious leaders have.

Well, the same sex marriage went against them, TS folks suck it up. Civilization isn't going to crumble, your marriage won't be affected. You can still go out drinking on Saturday night and sit in your pew on Sunday.

This country is a republic not a theocracy, the constitution is the book of law in this country not the bible. So the 14th amendment prevailed.

But we know that you won't accept this, you'll try every way to get around this. Time and human events are against you, change happens.
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
>1 y
Got a mouse in your pocket Sir? We? You? My state... about as Red as they get.. doesn't have problems accepting anyone. Not sure if we have Gay Marriage or not but we have plenty of Gays living as couples and raising children.
They are given the same spousal right to workplace insurance as everyone else.
Members of the community like everyone else.
Most of them have little use for LGBT malarkey. Don't like being pigeonholed into advocating someone else's agenda.
IMO it's no different for them than if I were to be placed as in board with everything the NRA is in favor of just because I own a gun..
(This is a poor example but I hope it makes the point... I have no beef with but also no membership in the NRA).
Sir, it appears to me that you attitude is EXTREMELY in line with how the left operates.
ALL or NOTHING! We win you lose, you must accept and agree with our entire platform or you are against us.
Really ignorant and boring attitude to deal with after awhile.
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SSG Gerhard S.
It is never right to act outside the Constitution. Not for the President, not for SCOTUS, nor for Congress. Unfortunately they ALL do so regularly, and openly with NO push-back by their like-offending (supposed and intended) checks to power.
LCpl Mark Lefler
LCpl Mark Lefler
>1 y
I have to respect your opinions and the way you present them.
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