Posted on Mar 14, 2014
SSgt Author
Please share the word, along with it's definition and a brief explanation why you feel that a good leader must possess it. Your explanation can be of a leader that did or did not possess this trait. Please do not list the names of individuals.
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Responses: 13
SFC First Sergeant

I would have to say humility. Humility is defined as the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.

 I have had the wonderful opportunity to be the acting 1SG for my company last year. I never let that power go to my head, and its because of the other 1SG's in my battalion showing me the ropes. I asked the Soldiers to accomplish missions, they were not ordered to. I made myself available anytime day or night for them. I grew the company from a meager 6 man company to 22. The 1SG has since returned from his mobilization and was dumbfounded. I am not just blowing my own horn here. If it were not for the great Men and Women in the Company it could have gone allot differently. I was successful because of them and only because of them.

If I were able to do anything differently I think I would go down the same road. There is nothing greater than being able to lead these Soldiers and have them be able to correct you when you are wrong. I took my lickings and am proud the way the Company held together.

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MAJ Protection Officer
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11 y
I think that this trait is often times overlooked or underutilized by leaders. We must envision everything, not just multiple ways of accomplishing a mission, but also what the service members in our charge are capable of and how we can mentor them in a way that maximizes their usefulness to the service while not burning them out. The hard part is remaining objective and unbiased in out vision and mentoring so that we do not try to force a square peg in a round hole (i.e. coerce a service member to go to the drill field because that's what we did, when they really would like to go SF).
MAJ Protection Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
11 y
Most folks don't realize that those "spilt-second" decisions in combat actually took a leaders vision on training for that same scenario, and training for it took 100s of hours.
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SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
Edited 11 y ago
COMMUNICATIVE. Good leaders are constantly communicating.  They use their communication skills to share their vision or strategy,  display confidence, express to subordinates their appreciation or displeasure, and learn from others.

EDIT:  A great example of this happened today.  I was on KP duty serving lunch and a senior NCO, one whom I highly respect but have never met, came through the line.  He said, "You're on RallyPoint, right?"  He then went on to give me a compliment and I was rendered almost speechless.  It shocked me that this NCO would notice and remember a random specialist from RP, and then take the time to make their day.  It not only made my day, but made my MONTH!  I want to be an NCO like that one day.
SFC First Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
11 y

SPC Thundercloud,

It is exactly what SFC Paulk said. You have that attitude and drive. If you ever get out and want stay on the reserve side we have Drill Sergeants' also.

CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) The aspiring 1SG doesn't think we seniors are aware of many, many things Soldiers do? CSM
SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
CSM Charles Hayden, I just hadn't considered it from the CSM's point of view before. I've always considered CSMs to be many, many levels removed from us junior enlisted Soldiers, when really, they're only one level beyond our 1SG!
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) Many, many senior NCOs know what to look for and where to find IT! Whatever the 'it' may be that is of interest!

Actually, 'we' founded the E-4 Mafia when we were 'Young Corporals'!
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