What is the Single Greatest Trait a Good Military Leader Must Possess?
I would have to say humility. Humility is defined as the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc.
I have had the wonderful opportunity to be the acting 1SG for my company last year. I never let that power go to my head, and its because of the other 1SG's in my battalion showing me the ropes. I asked the Soldiers to accomplish missions, they were not ordered to. I made myself available anytime day or night for them. I grew the company from a meager 6 man company to 22. The 1SG has since returned from his mobilization and was dumbfounded. I am not just blowing my own horn here. If it were not for the great Men and Women in the Company it could have gone allot differently. I was successful because of them and only because of them.
If I were able to do anything differently I think I would go down the same road. There is nothing greater than being able to lead these Soldiers and have them be able to correct you when you are wrong. I took my lickings and am proud the way the Company held together.

SPC Thundercloud,
It is exactly what SFC Paulk said. You have that attitude and drive. If you ever get out and want stay on the reserve side we have Drill Sergeants' also.
Actually, 'we' founded the E-4 Mafia when we were 'Young Corporals'!